50 day mark since treatment with minoxidil 5% Pix Inside


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Today is my 50 day mark
I really haven't noticed anything, it is early in my treatment so I don't pay attention for any regrowth, my shedding seems to be happening though.
As for my temples, not sure if it is regrowth happening or not but they are very light peach fuzz hairs all around my temple area where it was bald before.

The pictures did not come out very well

This picture shows what im talking about, look at the left temple and all those those very light hairs in the balding area, there is more but the camera did not pick it up but they are peach fuzz in color.

Pictures when I first started treatment 50 days ago

http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... highlight=

Again they are hard to tell but I see a pattern forming though with the new peach fuzz hairs which I hope will become more dense and fill in.


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if your sure that peach fuzz wasn't there then it's regrowth starting. could take months for any of it to turn terminal but hey at least you know it's there! i've had vellus hairs on my temple for a month now and they are slowwwwwwwwly turning terminal. keep going man, are you using foam or liquid?


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yeah mine went terminal fast at about the 2.5month mark... within 2 weeks it all started to darken. was very dramatic for me.


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im using the foam now, on the second can since I started. if you look at my regimen, you will see the change over points when I switched from the liquid to the foam.

this last week ive been just spraying it all over my head without measuring it out first in the lid container.

They are new hairs, peach fuzz and not very dense but they do make a pattern though.


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Well, there might have been some but im 99% they were not there and there is deffinetly more vellus hairs now. ok here is my question ..

I can clearly see vellus hairs all over my temple, now if they were allready there and adding minoxidil to the vellus hairs, will they become terminal.


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if theres hair there, then theres a good chance that minoxidil will make it grow. if all my vellus hairs went terminal i'd be NW1 again...i have a feeling it's not gonna be that easy.


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^^ thanks for the info..

weird cause on my left temple those vellus hairs, some have turned terminal but it is weird cause there is like just a couple dark hairs that came up on my temple so that gives me some hope.


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yeah mine showed up as peach fuzz, slowly got longer, the odd one gets more pigmented. but some of them are still very thin and have almost no color yet and have grown about 1/2 inch. i think they will shed and grow back thicker...


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base line pics, would be that link that posted..

they are hard to tell but I might have some more pictures from 50 days ago.