5000 Fue Performed By Dr. Hasson, Vancouver - Timeline


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Hi All,

Finally took the plunge about 2 weeks ago after lots of research and a 6 month Covid delay. I had a trouble finding similar cases to mine, so I thought it would be helpful for folks in the future if I made a timeline. This way I can also force myself to keep better track as well. I'll follow this post up with a couple of others, giving a rough timeline and my thoughts on the process at each stage.

- Previous Hairline: My family has a history of prominent foreheads with high temporal recessions. I had roughly the same hairline from the age of 18 onwards, with only a minor amount of backwards drift until the age of 23; am currently 32. My hair is quite fine and very straight, more blonde on top, progressing to a sandy brown on the sides and finishing red as it nears facial hair.

- Consultation: I met with Dr. Hasson and Chis at the Hasson & Wong office towards the end of January 2020. We discussed my goals of advancing my hairline and filling in my temporal recessions. Dr. Hasson mentioned I had some thinning in the front and crown. Looking back at photos shows this had started roughly two years prior. He recommended I start taking finasteride to halt and reverse this, which I did roughly 3 weeks after our meeting. Both of them recommended 4000 FUE would be necessary to achieve my goals, and that would be split into two 2000 graft session back to back. I ended up booking for March 2020, however 1 week ahead of my surgery date Covid hit and I had to reschedule. It would have been perfect to ride out the ugly duckling phase in quarantine, but c'est la vie.

- Surgery Day 1: I arrived at 7 AM and was introduced to the surgery team, I can't remember anyone's names but they were all friendly and accommodating. We did the whole photo shoot thing, and then Dr. Hasson came in and we started discussing the new hairline. He mentioned that while my crown had recovered the frontal zone had not and he also noticed some thinning in my temple points. At that time he told me we could stick with the original plan of 4000, but I would most likely be back for a second pass and if I wanted it done in one go I should increase slightly to 5000. I liked the 5000 hairline much better and agreed that I'd like it done in one go, rather than a follow up down the road. Looking back that was a wise choice as I was in for a ride, and am quite glad I am unlikely to need another surgery in my lifetime, or so I've been told. I want to preface by saying this was no fault of the surgical team or clinic, it simply came down to my own biology.
Day 1 was to be spent on the front hairline and day two would be working on the temporal recessions and temple points. They took the first 2500 from my left side, I was given a zopiclone as I would be there for a while, and there was only minor pain from the anaesthetic injections. The extractions were performed by a technician, the doctor returned to make the incisions, and lastly the grafts were installed by a rotating team of technicians, lovely ladies all. In general day 1 was a fairly easy, I was there for about 12 hours, was fed twice and had a pretty chill day.

Surgery day 2 - Day two started largely the same as day one, with a zopiclone and then the right side extractions; I believe I slept through most of this stage. The zopiclone started to wear off roughly halfway through the incision stage, and that was when the road got a little rougher.
I have had problems with general anaesthetic in the past, and usually require extra injections to be completely numb. I also tend to metabolize the anaesthetic quickly and require frequent top ups. Towards the end of the implantation stage I was requiring injections on a steady basis, roughly every 10-15 minutes. For the last 2 hours or so my body was metabolizing the anaesthetic so quickly as to render it nearly ineffective. The team did all they could to accommodate, but at one point we had to take a break because I was shaking so badly that I was making their job difficult, and they were concerned I would pass out.
Over all day 2 was a slog. I've heard no pain, no gain, but it wasn't a lot of fun. Maybe I have a low pain tolerance, who knows...

I returned for 2 consecutive days to have them wash and inspect the sites.

- General Thoughts:
- Dr Hasson's bedside manner is excellent. He noticed immediately how nervous I was on the morning of day 1 and was calming and reassuring. He was obviously quite busy, but took his time and made himself available to answer my questions
- The office has a fairly laid back vibe, everyone is very friendly and were a pleasure to be around
- I was surprised at how little direct involvement Dr. Hasson had with the process, he popped in and out throughout the day. However, the results speak for themselves as you'll see in the follow posts
- The team actually ended up extracting an extra 200 grafts, but as Dr. Hasson only made 5000 incisions these additional grafts were cut into singles and added into existing groups. I was not charged for this, and can assume it was because of a low transection rate?
- The number of grafts sounded high to me, but I trusted the Doctor's recommendation and the density looks as though it directly matches that of my native hair.

- Graft Breakdown:

Day 1 : 2512 FUE extracted . 300 single hair grafts – 1714 2 hair grafts and 498 3 to 4 hair bundle grafts. Total number of hairs 5222.

Day 2 : 2650 FUE extracted . 150 single hair grafts – 1867 2 hair grafts and 624 3 to 4 hair bundle grafts. Total number of hairs 5774.

Combined number of grafts 5162.

Combined number of hairs 10,996.


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Previous hairline for reference.
I was told by the Doctor that I had an exceptional donor, and could accommodate upwards of 9000 grafts if it was ever necessary. He also told me that I have a big head, and there was a limit to how low he could bring my hairline down. I appreciated the candor.


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Day 2 after the returning home.
I was given a cream that was reapplied after each wash at their office, but was not given any sort of saline solution spray. The cream kept the recipient site moist for roughly 3 days post op. Because I was pumped full of so many anaesthetic injections the swelling over the next few days was WILD.
As you can see, the donor sites look exceptional. They reddened slightly over the next few days, but I was surprised at how they looked out the gate.


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Day 4
Very minimal scabbing. I didn't take many photos as this was when the pain started to ramp up, so I spent most of the day pretty drugged up.


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Day 5
To my eye everything looked pretty good. Donor area was basically healed on the left side by this point. This was the first time I washed it myself. Was supplied a shampoo from the clinic.


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Day 7
95% of the scabs were gone, and swelling had reduced to a level where I could get a better idea of what the new hairline would look like. You can see the lines where day 1 and day 2 meet. I'm hoping that they fill in a bit and the differentiation between the zones isn't apparent forever.


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Day 10
Continued recovery. This was roughly the time that the pain started to reduce to the point that I no longer needed t3's to sleep through the night. However my right side still has a dull throbbing. Pain up to that point had been roughly 6-7/10 depending on time of day and if I had been moving around too much.


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Day 15
That brings us up to today. Recipient site is still fairly numb but I slowly regaining feeling. Left side donor is mostly healed, only slightly tender to the touch. Right side is just a bit behind, with a low and dull throbbing.
I'm overall really pleased with the work performed. I think the new hairline much better frames my face I'm excited to see it progress.

I'll post again in another week or so, as the shedding starts, and then taper off until I have more results to display.


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5000 grafts only for that recipient area is absolutely insane.
I keep seeing an extremely unnecessary amount of grafts implanted by H&W.
Did they tell you what was the density they implanted on the recipient?


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We didn't discuss density per sq cm, Dr. Hasson works by eye to match the recipient density to that of my native hair. According to the clinic he has been known to plant as high as 100 /sq cm

I agree it sounded like a lot, but my hair is very very fine, and I trusted the recommendation of the doctor. Only one of us had decades of experience and heaps of accolades as a hair transplant surgeon after all.


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5000 grafts only for that recipient area is absolutely insane.
I keep seeing an extremely unnecessary amount of grafts implanted by H&W.
Did they tell you what was the density they implanted on the recipient?
Couldn’t agree more. I think H&W is one of the most overrated hair transplant clinics. Zarev would have only needed half the grafts a likely a better result I would bet. No offense to OP. Hope the result turns out well.


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Unfortunately I do take offense, as it insinuates that I didn't properly do my research before making a commitment.

Please explain this to me. How would a doctor have gotten the same level of density using half the grafts? This is a simple math equation, the number density per square centimeter would have been half as much.

I've already stated twice that the recipient area density matches that of my native hair? Why would I want a weak hairline with half the density of the other half of my scalp? The skill of the doctor has absolutely nothing to do with the density requirements of each individual.

He picked exactly the number of grafts required to give me the hairline with the same level of density as the back half.
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100/cm²? That can't be right. No one can do that kind of density.

According to the clinic. I'm just repeating information that was given to me in an email from their representative this afternoon.


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Dude, no offense at all, but H&W are not experienced in FUE at all. They went to Europe to learn the technique few years ago and they charge you the double of a skilled European surgeon.


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Couldn’t agree more. I think H&W is one of the most overrated hair transplant clinics. Zarev would have only needed half the grafts a likely a better result I would bet. No offense to OP. Hope the result turns out well.

We only have pics from zarev. No reviews from anyone. We shouldn't be playing him up yet.


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We only have pics from zarev. No reviews from anyone. We shouldn't be playing him up yet.
We have pics and videos as well. Results don’t lie bro... Suit yourself but I’ve already booked my consultation.


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Unfortunately I do take offense, as it insinuates that I didn't properly do my research before making a commitment.

Please explain this to me. How would a doctor have gotten the same level of density using half the grafts? This is a simple math equation, the number density per square centimeter would have been half as much.

I've already stated twice that the recipient area density matches that of my native hair? Why would I want a weak hairline with half the density of the other half of my scalp? The skill of the doctor has absolutely nothing to do with the density requirements of each individual.

He picked exactly the number of grafts required to give me the hairline with the same level of density as the back half.
Sorry man.. but come on. You say he “works by the eye” and effectively just guesses based on his experience..?! That’s kind of bullshit to me. I’m not trying to praise Zarev as the messiah of hair transplants but just to contrast, he does quite the opposite by breaking it down scientifically for each patient:
“The density of implantation in the recipient areas is a very important value, which is calculated individually for each patient, according to many parameters – diameter of the follicular units, number of follicles in the follicular units, length of the follicular units, elasticity of the sclera in the recipient areas, thickness , the dermis and subdermis, the specifics of the anatomy of the blood supply of the recipient areas, the location of the recipient areas and many others.”

Objectively, I think there’s no comparison.

You will never achieve native density in the recipient area with a hair transplant and no sane doctor should ever shoot for this in a patient with significant loss. it’s all about having VISUAL density, being extremely efficient with the grafts taken, and planning for future loss. I just think you’ve harvested too many grafts when your hair loss journey is clearly not over.


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You will never achieve native density in the recipient area with a hair transplant and no sane doctor should ever shoot for this in a patient with significant loss. it’s all about having VISUAL density, being extremely efficient with the grafts taken, and planning for future loss. I just think you’ve harvested too many grafts when your hair loss journey is clearly not over



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I've never been impressed with the results I've seen from H&W, but I've also yet to see hairline work Dr. Zarev that impresses me. His clinic seems to focus on giving good coverage to people with advanced balding. I'd like to see what he can do with a dense pack hairline for a NW2-4. From what I've seen he's not in the league of Diep and Couto in that regard.


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I've never been impressed with the results I've seen from H&W, but I've also yet to see hairline work Dr. Zarev that impresses me. His clinic seems to focus on giving good coverage to people with advanced balding. I'd like to see what he can do with a dense pack hairline for a NW2-4. From what I've seen he's not in the league of Diep and Couto in that regard.
I suppose it’s a matter of opinion but Zarev’s hairlines look just fine to me. I would put him on the same level as Couto. Maybe not every single patient ends up with an extremely baby soft hairline but that’s also much harder to do when going from NW6 to Norwood. I see plenty of Couto hairlines that I’d put in the same category as not being “baby soft perfect”. I think the hairline quality is roughly the same. Rahal has the best hairlines out of all that have been mentioned in my opinion. As for dense packing a NW2-4, this case looks pretty damn good to me - 1300 grafts:


I’m surprised you’re focused on dense packing and not coverage given your significant loss pattern. Seems like Zarev would be perfect for you.