6 month update


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I checked the back of my hair out a few days ago and I almost fainted. Things look great. I no longer think of myself as bald and I am constantly looking at my hair in the mirror because I'm so impressed at how well my treatments have worked. The crown has filled in nicely, in the light you can still see the bald spot, but MAN what a difference it makes when i look at it from the side. I used to hold a mirror up to the side of my head and get really depressed because i wasn't balding, i was actually bald. I think that I noticed a larger difference at the 3 month mark than I have in the months since, but i'm still encouraged. Overall my hair is MUCH thicker and darker. I know this because back in August I used to shave my head and I'd be able to see a row of about 7-8 hairs that were still thick and they stood out in the sea of crappy hair. Now I can;t find those hairs because the rest of my hair has gotten that thick. I have had really thin hair grow around the outsides of the crown area, the hair is crappy but it definately wasnt there before. I also have new thick dark hairs sprouting up along the hairline but there are VERY few of those. I wish I had pictures, but I didnt take any because i would get really depressed when I;d look at my scalp and I just kinda avoided it. I was also super skeptical because of the severe level of hairloss up and across my family tree. I'd hide from cameras so that no one could say "man, he looks bald in this photo." I also work in an elementary school where the kids arent shy about pointing and saying "youre bald" I'd get that 3 or 4 times a month last year and this year...it hasnt happenned once. Recently people are asking me why i dont grow my hair. My treatments have made a big cosmetic difference and I feel much happier..thankyou everyone for your help and good luck to everyone !


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That's really great!

What did you do to get your result? Wish upon a magic star?

Please post what you did :)



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Maybe he sacrificed some of those kids at school to some obscure deity. :freaked:


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I'm using the big three (nizoral, rogaine 5, and propecia) and I alternate between Shen-min shampoo and Fuller Thicker shampoo on the off days. I started all 3 at the same time because I felt that I didnt have that much more hair to lose but I do now.
As for the kids to the deity thing...its only an experimental treatment and doesnt yet have FDA approval. ya better hold off on that plan :wink:


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Why did you start on them? whynot just propecia and see if that works then adding things in? if all i need is propecia im sure as hell not taking rogaine i dont want my scalp being used to it.


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thanks oldbaldy :) ...about me starting the rogaine right away..it was a personal choice. Had I started much sooner rather than living in denial I could have put it off. My personal opinion was that I wasnt satisfied with what I had on the top of my head at the time and I wanted more than maintenance. I guess I just wanted to get the treatments over with since I was only doing it for piece of mind, thinking "it wont work, but at least i tried" and i wouldnt have to live the rest of my life wondering 'what if??' Everything that happened has just been an unexpected bonus. Applying the rogaine is hardly ANY hassle at all, it takes less than 1 minute and in 6 months i'll switch to once a day. Another thing is that i may have been discouraged if I was on propecia and not seen any regrowth. I guess everyones decision is different. But i heard that I wont regrow on stark bald areas, and sinc I still had hair there i figured that it was now or never. If i started this when I was 21, then no question, i would have waited to start the rogaine.