6 month update


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hey guys. just took my 180th pill of propecia this morning. it was a rough six months, and the catch phrase of "rollercoaster ride of hair loss treatment" is no bullshit. days of glory, days of sadness, days of both. The days of glory are beginning to far outweigh the days of sadness. Most importantly, i'm learning to deal with the idea of hairloss in a sane way. I act much more normal now in the harsh honesty of bright sunlight, i think about hairloss as more of an obstacle to overcome than a death sentence, and i feel more like myself again. Its strange, in a weird warped sort of way, this whole experience makes me think about all those "meaning of life" things, and made me ask myself some important questions about what IS meaningful to me. Sorry to get deep, just wanted to say, things are improving in my hair department, i never wear hats anymore, i spike up my hair like the days of old, and hopefully i'll double my results by year one, and be able to move on with my life, maybe even with a bit of new perspective on myself.

keep trucking gentleman. and if any of you end up getting ridiculously rich, don't forget to throw a little money towards the hair cloning scientists.


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congrats dude, you deserve it having been helping me out and answering my questions.

i hope things continue to get better!


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Congratulations Trent. I came to this site about 4 months ago and quickly looked at you as one of the guys on here with a sane head that was at some of the same stages as me. Best of luck with your results and hope things just get better and better.


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Congrats man!

May the hair Gods bring you peace and a head full of hair...

Tony Montana


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way to go..great attitude. It's great not being completely preoccupied with hairloss. Best of luck...I hope your results get even better!


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Trent, I loved your post.

I think it pretty much summed up for most us the impact of hair loss in our lives. Everything changes, you seem to have a different perspective of everything around you.

What most people tend to disregard when discussing this issue, is that hair loss changes the image that we have of our selves. It's easy to say it's just hair, but in reality, our hair is a part of who we are, and above all, of how we see ourselves.

The slow degeneration of our image causes indefinable pain and suffering.

Trend, I wish you the best of luck and I hope that you keep coming back with positive updates.


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great post Trent, it's always good to hear of success. Are you still thinking about adding minoxidil, or waiting until the 1 yr mark to make any regimen changes?


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gonna try and wait it out for the minoxidil. i would hate to live wondering if propecia would have been enough. hopefully things keep improving. according to propecia, the regrowth should really "start" at month 6, so i'm hoping they are right!

Fallout Boy

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trent i think me and you are pretty much in the same situation im just about at the six month mark.. and hoping propecia will be enough to maintain.