8-Hydroxyquinoline sulfate


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Hey guys, haven't seen all of you for awhile! I found an article claiming people accidentally regrew some hair by using 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate ointment on their scalps. Here's the link http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6033676.html

The common houshold name for this ointment is the 112 year old company "Bag Balm".

I figured, what the hell, bought a tub and I'm going to do a little experimenting- I'll treat only one side (my right temple) where my hairline receded. At worst, I'll just moisturize the hell out of my skin.


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Wow, this stuff has an odor! And I feel a sensation where I rubbed it on. I certainly won't be going out in public with this smeared on. I'll try to be as faithful to this as possible and keep you guys posted on anything that may come of it.


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keep us posted, verry intresting...
what is the cost ? and what does it do for the hair ? is it like minoxidil ?


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It's under $10 for a 10 ounce tub. Originally used to heal cows' udders after milking. The ointment has sparked claims that the active ingredient (in a lanoline/petrolatum base) has revived hair follicles. EXTREMELY greasy. I shall have to see results to believe though.


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I was reading something last night (don't feel like digging for it right now) that someone had a suit filed against them for trying to sell Bag Balm as a hair growth stimulant.

I don't know of the credibility of anything I have read, but I'll still experiment for the hell of it.

One thing is for sure...if I don't see any remote changes I'll discontinue using very soon. LOL this stuff SUCKS!! I've known about it for many years but never thought I'd be rubbing it on my head. At least I'm oh so very very moisturized!


If anyone else was interested this is what it looks like. In the event of a snake oil at least you have a superior moisturizer. If you used this daily on your scalp, this tin could last you many months if not over a year, just for around $8.50. That would be too good to be true. Just imagine how RICH the little family-owned Vermont company would become if it regrew hair!


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Ready to abort. I don't think I can go around smelling like this. I can't begin to describe the odor. I'll try to gut it out, but I'm only using a very small dab to rub on my temples. I can't imagine what it would smell like to cover your scalp with it.


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It's been a month and I have officially abandoned the experiment. It's sticky, greasy, and it smells bad. I don't even care if it would have worked, I would not have covered my scalp with it anyhow.

I bought a bottle of generic minoxidil to apply to the same spots to see if I'm a responder.


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Ha it was worth a shot anyway... minoxidil is proberly a little bit more of a safer bet ;-)


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n0142248 said:
Ha it was worth a shot anyway... minoxidil is proberly a little bit more of a safer bet ;-)

Yeah, I figured if I was going to do it as a daily ritual I may as well use the real deal!

I actually took minoxidil & mixed it with goat's milk mousse, making a medicated cream to massage my temples. Who knows, maybe the cream will lock in the moisture & work well. Let me mark this day, officially as of 3/5/10 I began treatment.


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Holy crap I think my concoction is working....

Let's see, according to my last post it has been 2 months. I have remained faithful to my mixture (goat's milk mousse with some liquid minoxidil mixed in). Every day I thoroughly massage the cream on my hairline, primarily the bare skin where my temples receded. In the past week, I have sprouted these very fine, but noticeable little hairs. This isn't just peach fuzz either, these actually have color to them. There was absolutely nothing there 2 months ago. I thought I was just delusional at first but there can be no mistake, I made sure the skin was completely bare before starting. I shall keep you guys posted!


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But I think a lotion wouldn't be as effective as a liquid? Pretty sure about that.

Anyway good luck keep us posted. Any pics?


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KeepTheHair said:

But I think a lotion wouldn't be as effective as a liquid? Pretty sure about that.

Anyway good luck keep us posted. Any pics?

You are definitely right, mixed with the cream makes the 5% minoxidil more like 2-3%. But I'm just using the concoction to be able to more thoroughly massage it into my scalp, the pure liquid evaporates quickly and I am experimenting with the effects of really working it in. It seems to be working because I am really starting to see some activity in the areas I'm using it in!


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Why all the vaginal creams can be beneficial for the hair? wtf?


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I have since sprouted a nearly full-sized terminal hair in the bare patch that was my temple! LOL just one lonely, thick, dark brown hair in a patch of translucent peach fuzz. But it is there!

It doesn't seem to want to grow beyond 1/4" in length though. I think I might up the concentration of my mixture a bit. It will be quite watered down but I will still be able to massage it in thoroughly.