8 month update


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Xandrox 5% once a day
Propecia 1ml
Nizoral every 3 days

Well its been 8 months since i popped my first propecia pill and 6 months since i first splashed on xandrox and i don't really have a lot to fill you in on. Until last month i thought things were going well, i hadn't lost any more hair and I certainly seemed to have alot better hair than my twin brother.

But this month things have taken a turn for the worse. My hairline has significantly thinned out. I only get away with my hairstyle now by combing it right forward from the back and covering up my hairline.

I noticed small hairs on my temples which had led me to believe that i was growing some back. But they have been there for the past 3 months without getting any longer. One other thing I have noticed is that the hairs i do have left on my hairline have gotten much darker (im a blonde) and in some cases they even appear black. I don't know whether this is good or bad sign.

Anyway I will give it another 4 months and if i dont see my hairline come back, Im gonna accept defeat and save up for a farrell hair system, now that they have a salon in London. The thought of having to maintain it does seem like a pain in the ***, but at least I will have a full head of good looking hair again, and I will finally be able to get on with enjoying my life again.


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Hang in there. I had the same problem you had. Between the end of month 5 and beginning of month 9 I had a MAJOR shed... lost like 50% density... but within the last month I've regrown most of what I've lost... and my crown is looking darker. It's a rollercoaster ride, and 9 times out of 10 it WILL get worse before it gets better.

Don't stop now.


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Why are you using Xandrox only once a day? Aren't you only supposed to do that if you're trying to maintain, and not regrow?


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well i try to use it twice a day when i can, but life gets in the way, and often the only chance i have to put it on is before bed.