8 Month Update


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What UP Fellas!

Well, its been about 8 months since the battle begun and I can proudly say that things are looking good. The first few months were a ride that some days had me cheering for joy and others screaming for help. All in all things have become very stable and my hairline has begun to thicken up. When my hair was wet and at times dry, you could see the scalp very easy up front and on the left temple area. This area has now gotten much better along with the top front of my scalp, which now feels fuller. I still shed about 30 hairs in the shower, maybe even more, but its nothing compared to the 100+ hairs I used to see on my hands. My scalp is completely under control and feels great all day long. I used to sit at work, and at times get a sensation all over my scalp that forced me to scratch here and there, now, its all in the past. It feels good to know that there is hope and of course Im still not out of the woods. The next 4 months will tell another tail, one that may have a happy ending or one that will send me down a tragic path. Until then...........keep the faith and ask questions.

Best Regards,
Tony Montana


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Good to hear positive progress Tony my brother! :) Congratulations for sure. I hope the next 4 months bring you even more progress, that'd be awesome.

About when did things start looking up for you in a big way. Things are looking good for me at the moment, but I still feel I've got a long way to go (center part line is still pretty shoddy), after 5 and a half months. About what time span did you see your greatest gains? Thanks buddy!

Good luck with the rest of your battle, it's great to hear your success! :)


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Deaner my little brother,

To be honest with you it has been a progressive improvement which I started to notice at about month 6, which you are currently in. Every month since then my scalp becomes less visible. The funny thing is that a few months ago, my hair at the lenght that it is right now wasnt looking so good. But now, the hair looks fuller healthier. From the discussion we had, I can tell you are heading in the right direction and when you hit month 8 you will be looking good main.

Hope all is well!


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feels good to hear that you guys had some positive results, i had a really bad day yesterday and needed the positive inputs, espeically since it looks like i am a lot like a 3 month version of deaner, deaner is a six month version of you and you are having such good results makes me hope for the best! congrats, and keep us updated!


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Hey Mr. Montana. I think we started the finasteride venture at the same time. Just hit my 8 month on monday 1st - Started 1st of March.

Things are looking...well...I don't really know. I have had 2 huge sheds - the last one slowly going. My hairline got hit big time on the first shed but I now see the regrowth of this shed. Am a Norwood 1.5 I guess.

The hair that I shed is mostly the same thickness all over, but there are also the odd minturized hair + really short ones. I would say that one in every 5 is pathetic - and the rest is same thickness.

How is the quality of your hair?



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Thanks alot for the added encouragement big bro Tony :) Again, congrats on the great success, here's hoping we both kick this male pattern baldness thing. :lol:


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As far as quality of hair goes, in the beginning all the hairs I lost were kinked, thin, blondish, just in bad shape overall. Fast forward to today and the hairs I shed are of much better quality in terms of color and kinkiness. I think that my whole head is improving and "crappy hairs" , if I may say, are all leaving and making room for "happy hair." I would also advise people not to count hairs, Propecia doesnt help overnight, but its a slow process that takes time and hope.


My little bro, things will be just fine main!



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Chujgcha my man,

How is life main? How is the fight against hairloss coming along? How is Bolivia?

Hollla back main!



Sounds like you are making great progress Mr Tony. I'm coming up to 8 months quite soon so I hope to see some regrowth after my shed which did scare me a little bit....

Keep it up and good luck....
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this site is going to lose a lot of patrons if trax insists on degenerating it into a porno site. keep ur deprived sexual fantasies to urself.


It's only a pair of tits. If you can muster enough support from fellow members then I will gladly remove the said gif and replace it with something a little subtler. I certainly don't have a problem with that.


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cmon man thats just a dude with great results and a bad case of gyno from finasteride its not p**rn its informational...and hes hot


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I personally love her. I just wish I could stumble her path someday so I can tell her how nice her tits are.....maybe some day....
