8 months on finasteride---please answer my question.


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Anyone who's even semi-knowledgable about the science of those rascally keratin strands([cough] HairLossTalk.com, [cough] Cassin [hack]), please answer this earnest inquiry.

I've been on fincar 8 months. My hair is about 6 inches long. I'm still shedding, with probably 95% of thosse shed hairs thinner at the bulb end still. A good number of those hairs are about 8 centimeters in length. (Sorry about combining the English and metric systems in the same sentence.)

Now. Hair usually grows at a rate of about one centimeter a month, right?
Would this logically mean that these hairs that are falling out started growing right around, or very shortly after, I started finasteride on June 4th? I'm looking for logical reasons to keep up hope that this drug will work for me. If these hairs were indeed "born" 7 or 8 months ago, perhaps the finasteride had not gotten to the point where it was affecting the follicles, thus letting these hairs continue to thin? And now perhaps, they will start at least keeping their current width when they grow back?

As I said a few weeks back, some of the hairs, more than in previous months, are very short (about one or two inches) and light. Since this seems to be "premature ejection" (not ejaculation), can I speculate that these particular follicles are about to be jumpstarted?

I hope my phrasing of these questions has been clear. Please get back to me.


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I seem to have a habit of being buried alive at an alarming rate.


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Hey Bro,

Its seems like we have similar stories. I m approaching my one year mark and still shed an average amount of hairs. All of which don't have much of a cosmetic purpose. I lose small hairs that are thin and long hairs that are thin. I have noticed a huge amount of regrowth on my hairline, which has taken somewhat of a hit. But, its also the worse affected area. The back of my head, however, is just as thick as the day I noticed the dreaded male pattern baldness. I really think that Propecia takes time to work, and I dont mean 8 to 11 months. Im talking about a year plus because of the rate of which hair grows and damage that may have already been caused. I guess what Im trying to say is....be patient and wait things out in time things will work out!



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Hi. Thanks fer replyin'. Glad to hear about your hairline, and it sounds like the rest you've at least maintained.

I'm just hoping someone like Cassin or HairLossTalk.com will know how to answer this particular question, since they seem to be authorities on this subject.


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What question are you reffffering to? Are you wondering if hairs that were "born" 8 months ago will only be affected by finasteride now? Well my friend, finasteride starts to work right away to lower DHT. It doesnt have some 'delayed' response. In theory, hairs that have been tarnished by DHT will cycle back thicker and thicker each time hair goes through its growth cycle. So if you think that your hairs have "continued" to grow thin because the hair hasnt been 'saved' yet then things just perhaps are working out. I could be wrong and perhaps cassin and HairLossTalk.com could better answer your question....


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Thanks. I wasn't "limiting" my responses, though---I just meant that I especially was curious about what you would say, since you've answered people's questions in the past with detailed information on hair cycles and related scientfic data. Ditto that for HairLossTalk.com. No, I would love, as I'm sure we all would, to get all the feedback possible.

brasileirao wrote: "So if you think that your hairs have "continued" to grow thin because the hair hasnt been 'saved' yet then things just perhaps are working out."

Did you mean to say "AREN'T working out"?

What I really meant, though, was that if these hairs were born about 8 months ago, it's only been one cycle so far.


About thinning hairs - don´t focus on the first cm after the bulb. Instead fold the hair and compare the 2 halves.

Logic tells me that the last cm should be thinner since the follicle is winding down - no machine this huge stops at an instant.


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nesta--you're prob'ly right. In which case it definitely goes both ways with me. Some are uniform until the last cm, others are definitely thinning throughout. (all from the trouble area)


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Jaygee said:
brasileirao wrote: "So if you think that your hairs have "continued" to grow thin because the hair hasnt been 'saved' yet then things just perhaps are working out."

Did you mean to say "AREN'T working out"?

What I really meant, though, was that if these hairs were born about 8 months ago, it's only been one cycle so far.

Hey Dude,

I took the time to write to you to help you out. Perhaps I wrote 'ARE' instead of 'AREN'T' my mistake but you knew what I meant........

Next time Ill just skip over your concerns and let someone else reply and since you didnt get much of response in the beginning...well....good luck!
