8days of propecia left..15days before my new order arrives !


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i will run out of propecia for about 7-8days are maybe longer. was wondering what to do, if anything that is.
Should i just take my propecia as normal & when i run out thats it until my new order arrives. or should i start splitting up the last pills to keep some in my system until my new shipment arrives.

Any ideas guys ??


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start taking your pills every other day. This will keep your serum DHT levels low.

I wouldn't recommend it as an extended practice, as I believe that a daily dose helps maintaining equilibrium.

For those 15 days though, your dht levels will remain low as if you took your pill daily.
(after you pop a pill your dht levels remain low and steady for 48hours at least)

Even if you run out for a week though, this is minor. What matters is the big picture. Dont stress over a day or two off if you cannot help it.


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I had to do the same thing a few months ago and I noticed no longterm differences in taking it every other day for 2 weeks


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Justlooking said:
I had to do the same thing a few months ago and I noticed no longterm differences in taking it every other day for 2 weeks

So why not do that, prolly have less sides.


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Why do it? "probably?" Probably you will not have the same results. Who knows?

Do not experiment on yourself. Use recommended doses and then IF there is a problem, reevaluate.


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What the heck are any of us doing but experimenting with, or self-medicating, ourselves? :) To be honest, I still have great qualms about the potential long term risks involved with intentionally messing with our hormonal balance. Where the only risk you suffer from reducing your dosage is losing hair, the risks in raising your dosage are probably far greater.

Anyway, I think the best thing anyone can do is experiment until they find the dosage right for them. This involves actively monitoring their situation and becoming educated, instead of passively or blindly taking the drug. Maybe by running out of medication and changing his routine, powerchords might stumble upon something that works even better for him.


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well, im almost out of pro and my new shipment of proscar is still not here. i got 3 pills left which i will stretch for another 6 days. holpefully that will be all i need.

But a side note about the last few days taking 1mg every 2nd day. The Mourning wood has returned !!, by the 2nd day of skipping. and everyday for last since. So i guess .5mg is low enough to bring back the wood, i dont think ill want to try 1.25mg of proscar everyday. if 1mg kills my wood, .5mg it comes back. if i try 1.25mg i'm f@#$


What you guys think ?


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joseph49853 said:
To be honest, I still have great qualms about the potential long term risks involved with intentionally messing with our hormonal balance. Where the only risk you suffer from reducing your dosage is losing hair, the risks in raising your dosage are probably far greater.

Your scepticism about messing with hormones is healthy. You mentioned "hormonal balance" though. What makes you think that taking a pill every other day will not risk this balance to a much greater extent than a constant daily dose?