9 months on finasteride advice needed


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Alright, my forehead hairline is continuing to worsen.
At 9 months, it is time to quit finasteride and say I am a non-responder?


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SE-freak said:
It's really time you started taking the recommended dosage.

Thanks, I may do that now. However, I question how much finasteride can really do at the hairline. My situation is about a norwood 1.3, and at 33 I guess I should be thankful. But, it's still hard to accept...


Senior Member
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Why question it? It is totally maintaining the hairlines of tons of guys. Along with Rogaine its regrowing some too. Worked for me perfectly.

Wait till you're in 1mg daily before you doubt its ability to work.

Moving this thread to the Propecia forum where it should have gone...



New Member
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I don't see why people take less than the 1mg dose, its not like everyone has side effects.

1mg has helped me stop my hair loss, growing stuble back in my crown and some in my temples @ 4 months and all I do is shoot loads that are ment to fill waterballons and not girls...