A conversation that I heard about balding and bald guys



In the elevator two 18 years old girls talked about what man they don't like, and then one of them mentioned bald guys as a completely no way, then the other girl asked "just balding or completely bald" and she said "na I mean completely without even one hair" so girl see sly guys as the worst of the worst, btw they also mentioned short,hairy,fat guys, I was offended very much, I'm now Norwood 2.5 after 3 months of strong treatment so they dident sew me as something related to it, but I do feel like a bald guy when Im outside


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this is what i've been saying all along, the extent of your hair damage is of importance. when they observe a Norwood 2,5 in most cases they have no clue. for that reason saf's stories of getting laid are irrelevant to someone with nothing but a horseshoe left.


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If you're talking about two 18 yr old girls I'd probably agree, but most horseshoe guys are in their 30's and would'nt have a chance with them even if they had NW1's.
Girls in their 20's and 30's are a different matter. They realise that the average guy over 25+ is'nt going to look like Zac Efron and by that age they've had the highschool hearthrob guy who just wanted to f*ck them and then moved onto their best freind.

And most guys on here complaining about not being able to get women probably have much more hair than me.


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Its a sliding scale, the older they get the more realistic they get. And the less emphasis is going to be on looks. Probably by late 20's, so quite far off for you I suppose. The thing is by late 20's the average guy has been letting himself go for 10 yrs and starts to look like 5hit.


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Well firstly your not bald yet so dont write yourself off, secondly as you get older so does your preference in women.
I'm not interested in women under 25 and when I'm in my 40's I doubt I'll be interested in women under 30.


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Don't spend too much time concerend with what 18 year olds think. Blink and they're 25. Blink again and they're 35. As they go, they'll be a lot less concerned with the appearacne of being a man and more concerned with the actions of being a man; regardless of hair.

If at 35, they're single and still too fickle about a man's hair, maybe the problem isn't yours.


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dudemon said:
Hey, I just wanted to say that most women even in their 40's are just as much into a guy's looks as women in their 20's and 30's. So, don't think that when you get to that age women won't care. They will, and you will find it harder and harder to look good as you age. For this reason, many women in their 40's, if they are single, are into much younger (handsome) guys in their late 20's and 30's.

If you go onto adult dating websites and check out profiles of women in their 40's you will see that almost all of them are 'friends' with much younger, handsome men. (not to sound :gay: or anything ... I'm just sayin). And those are the kinds of men that they regularly hook up with.

And no, don't think that most women won't care about a guy's hair as they get into their 40's. Women will still care almost as much as they did when they were younger. I estimate that maybe only about 10% of women will lower their standards as they enter their 40's. When they become 50, well that is a little different, IMO, but even then they are still looking at 20-something guys.

my own personal experience

agree 100%, from my experience that is spot on


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Exodus2011 said:
but fuuuuuuuuuu . . . . . that feel when you realize you will never be able to f*ck jailbait again . . . . . (15-19) . . . . . . :sobbing: :sobbing:

i like little young looking chicks because im very small myself. a female that's bigger than me would make me feel inadequate and probably wouldn't want to do me anyways. man screw this, with good hair i could be screwing cute emo chicks or somthin. :sobbing:


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It's absolutely true what dudemon said. There are tons of women where I work that are 30+, and sniff around under 25s, they want young men that look great, even though these women are ugly as f***. If you think that by getting older forces everyone to lower their standards, you're sadly mistaken.


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Vanitykills said:
It's absolutely true what dudemon said. There are tons of women where I work that are 30+, and sniff around under 25s, they want young men that look great, even though these women are ugly as f*ck. If you think that by getting older forces everyone to lower their standards, you're sadly mistaken.

It's a women's market out there, they get to pick the guys they like because guys are just so much more sexually driven than women. I rarely see pretty girls with ugly guys (although that happens too!) but vice versa it's much more common. When my hairloss progresses to an obvious stage (well it's obvious now but ppl don't seem to understand the concept of diffuse thinning if it's buzzed very low) my chances drop from low to zero.

uncomfortable man

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s.a.f said:
Girls in their 20's and 30's are a different matter. They realise that the average guy over 25+ is'nt going to look like Zac Efron

Just like a guy who goes bald in his early twenties won't suddenly be indifferent about it when he turns thirty, so to with women and their preference in men.... Just because a woman turns thirty she just doesn't automatically make a conscious decision to include bald men in their list of potential partners.

Take my new boss for example. A tall, blonde, skinny, middle aged, rich white woman. When I was first introduced she hesitated to even shake my hand and gave out a really strong uncomfortable look, almost a terrified look. Basically she looked at me like a hitchhicker that she would not pick up off the side of the road. Everytime I see her at work she looks at me like the very site of me is a buzzkill for her or something.


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i can only add what ive found over the past couple of years to the experiences of those posting above.

im 29 now and back when i was 20 i just assumed that anybody about my current age should accept going bald and i also assumed that by the time a guy gets to about 30 their outlook on women would change too.

i still want to look my best and i havent suddenly taken to chasing fatties, i dont see how women of any age would be different to myself. if a woman doesnt like baldies at 22, she wont at 32, 42 or 52 regardless of how much uglier and less appealing she finds herself over the years.

one thing i will say in our favor though, a guy i work with is in mid/late 50's and recently divorced, even though hes a norwood 7 with a typical grey horseshoe, hes still in good shape and pretty physically active. hes in a 100 times better condition to go out and meet somebody new than his 54 year old ex wife. hes been out with 2 or 3 women over the past few months, all younger than him in their early 40's. even though the ex-wife tried online dating, shes left sat at home playing bingo on her computer.

men do age better than women in the long run, well most men who arent fat or diseased, its no comfort to me and id assume anybody else on here but its true.

up until women hit the aging point of no return though, theyve got everything going in their favor.. desperate losers like many that post on here do as much harm to men than anyone by constantly chasing after them.


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s.a.f said:
Its a sliding scale, the older they get the more realistic they get. And the less emphasis is going to be on looks. Probably by late 20's, so quite far off for you I suppose. The thing is by late 20's the average guy has been letting himself go for 10 yrs and starts to look like 5hit.

LOL but :puke: That sounds accurate.


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From about 35 on up they get a lot less picky if they are still single. Sure there are exceptions but that Is what I have found. One girl I know said that any girl insisting on a full head of hair would be alone forever by 40=45 for sure. The ones I work with have said more or less that balding is amusing but not a turn off as long you keep your hair short and no comb overs. I had one sorta tease me about that saying a thin spot is much preferred to a combover. Well I have only done a combback but I guess she thought it was the same thing. Oh and not all like the completely bald look. I told a friend that my hormone medication is making my hair fall out fast. She said well please don't shave your head like Dave. He went bald about 5 years ago and completely shaves his head. I don't think he looks bad, but apparently some do.

As someone that has been both normal sized and fat, I can tell you that fat is much more of a deal killer than hair. I got sick about 5 years ago and gained tons of weight. the first thing I did when I got better was to start running to burn it off.


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Just like a guy who goes bald in his early twenties won't suddenly be indifferent about it when he turns thirty, so to with women and their preference in men.... Just because a woman turns thirty she just doesn't automatically make a conscious decision to include bald men in their list of potential partners.

Take my new boss for example. A tall, blonde, skinny, middle aged, rich white woman. When I was first introduced she hesitated to even shake my hand and gave out a really strong uncomfortable look, almost a terrified look. Basically she looked at me like a hitchhicker that she would not pick up off the side of the road. Everytime I see her at work she looks at me like the very site of me is a buzzkill for her or something.
At least she looks at you. You say she looked uncomfortable when introduced to you. Hmm....I gotta say UCman, when I saw your photo I was quite shocked by your good looks.
Manly good looks too!
Maybe that's why this woman is nervous around your ***.

If I looked liked you I'd be a lot happier with myself.


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At least she looks at you. You say she looked uncomfortable when introduced to you. Hmm....I gotta say UCman, when I saw your photo I was quite shocked by your good looks.
Manly good looks too!
Maybe that's why this woman is nervous around your ***.

If I looked liked you I'd be a lot happier with myself.

U rele do win the grave digging of the year award for every thread :laugh:


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From about 35 on up they get a lot less picky if they are still single. Sure there are exceptions but that Is what I have found. One girl I know said that any girl insisting on a full head of hair would be alone forever by 40=45 for sure. The ones I work with have said more or less that balding is amusing but not a turn off as long you keep your hair short and no comb overs. As someone that has been both normal sized and fat, I can tell you that fat is much more of a deal killer than hair.
This is so true. Of course a woman (like any man) would want someone as hot as they can get, but women lower their standards as they get older because they don't want to be alone. You may see cougars hunting young bucks, but it's NOT for a relationship...it's just for attention and validation that they're still attractive (via sex). Once in their 30s, women want an ambitious, fit, career-driven guy who treats them right and wants the same things in life that they want (e.g., kids). All of these things are within your control, unlike hairloss (sometimes) or a not-so-perfect face. Take it from someone who is successful and almost 40 who talks a lot my beautiful wife's friends (both married and single) about this stuff. Make the most of your self financially, physically, mentally and emotionally, and you'll get women.


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Meh, I wouldn't put too much stock in the opinion of two 18 year olds; what person whos old enough to be bald wants to tolerate an 18 year old significant other anyway? Also, they're definitely in the minority regarding how they find balding more attractive than bald. Also, they are always caveats with that type of statement- I can rightfully make the statement that chubby women are usually less attractive than thinner ones but there are many women who have their meat in the right places and look great because of it (think Natasha Nice, the pornstar).