A 'Cure'?


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Hello Friends,

I've been toggling with hair loss for 2 years now, a quick diffuse thinning. I have been on and off this site for at least 6 months now and thought it was time to get involved, I've researched and studied and did it all over again well late into the night looking for a miracle cure...

(I'm also going to school for Alternative medicine 'Traditional Chinese Medicine', to be exact, and my hair loss became an issue about a year after I began studying, I do believe men's hair loss can be prevented and POSSIBLY treated with holistic medicine, so I'm here to belly up to the bar and try my best to see if my investment in this education is as valuable as I claim it to be)

... Seeing as the 'miracle cure' I'm searching for will most likely have ties into genetic modification, I'm not sure about it. Instead, I've compiled all the best of what I know into an 'all-natural cure' regimen which I will be conducting on myself as of January 1st, 2010.

My history so far has been a very un-healthy lifestyle. For the last two years I've had a fairly quick paced progressive thinning, which I believe is partly due to genetics and mainly due to; Smoking: tobacco and the other stuff, Not enough sunlight, Not enough physical exercise, Very poor eating habits (the first summer it started I was in a very hot apartment where I was profusely sweating a lot and only ate fried fatty foods and smoked too much, that summer I shed a lot with no normal regrowth) Too much sexual activity, Lack of vitamins, minerals. and water., Unhealthy expression of emotions (built up anger, which would cave in on myself), Lack of social activity and last but definitely not least, Mental stress.

I strongly believe all these in combination is a recipe for disaster, The only difference is we are all wired differently so as "Dave" may develop Acne, "Bill" develops hair loss, I do agree DHT is responsible, but is only over developed when something or several things in your own micro-cosmic system is out of balance.

The plan:
I am to cease smoking completely, Stock up on lots of healthy natural foods (Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, Beans, Legumes, Good oils, and Fish). Start running, Practicing Yoga, Martial Arts, and Meditation. Washing my hair using an all natural Rosemary shampoo and Olive oil/Grape Seed conditioner daily and Ferm-T. (I am installing a filter on my shower also to ensure more purity in the water), I will be consuming slightly different foods according to the seasons as far as T.C.M. is concerned. Now, as far as treatments go; there are a variety of herbs and the such I will be incorporating which I will give a detailed regimen for next paragraph, Here I am stating all that I will be consuming, I will be using; Tricomin follicle spray, Revivogen follicle solution liquid, Lung cleanse tea, Liver cleanse tea, Maca root powder, green tea, Apple Poly, Aloe vera hair cream, He shou wu, Silica/MSM [COQ10 Liquid, OMEGA3 Oil Liquid, VIT. E Tocotrienol] Apple cider Vinegar, Vit. B complex, Co enzyme A, Pumpkin seed oil, and Psoralea seeds. MAYBE Melatonin.

(Though since I am a starving college student, I will be adding in different treatments as I get money, once I begin the treatment I wont stop unless It's a Lung cleanse/Liver cleanse or It's something temp.; I will keep a detailed update upon all activity's and will inform If, Why, and When I will start and stop any treatments)

The Regimen:
Beginning Jan. 1st, I will be concentrating on my Lung health, I will start with Jogging/Running, Yoga, Chi-gung/Meditation, Tai-Chi daily. I am to consume Lung cleansing tea/or herbs for two weeks, and use a Humidifier at night to help clean lungs of tar. I will be taking Maca root along with Green tea before running each morning along with Apple Cider Vinegar 1Tbsp 3x day, and will be using Rosemary shampoo and Olive/Grape seed conditioner/or Ferm-T followed with Revivogen and Tricomin every morning and night, Aloe Vera Gel mid day followed with Apple Cider Vinegar rinse, Multi-Vitamin daily. He shou wu, one pill every day. By February 1st. I will Incorporate MSM and Silica (which I will specify it's dosage when I can buy). By March 20th I will Add Liver Cleanse Tea for two weeks, and Apple Poly phenols. No later than the end of spring I will complete the regimen with COQ10, CO Enzyme A, Omega 3, Vit. E Tocotrienol, Pumpkin Seed and Psoralea seeds.

The Outcome:
With all this being said, I expect to see an improvement/regrowth as soon as 2-3 months and as late as 2 years. I will be keeping weekly updates. Any questions/comments regarding this are welcome, thanks Justin

P.S. Before and After pics to be posted as well


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Any input from anyone who has tried any of the supplements or treatments I mentioned would be great to know what there success was (if any). And, if anyone knows anything else that's natural that's good to add.


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I hope you have a great improvement (I believe) :woot:

Add Aloe Vera because it has many benefits (anti-inflammatory, also has Beta-Sitosterol), also take a daily dose of Zinc (70 or 80mg) and do not forget to use Ketoconazole 2x per week


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Go look at all the athletes that have hair loss. Most are more "healthy" then you will ever get. No offense to the Chinese, but they have tons of guys with male pattern baldness, more so than most Asians, so, if there was an ancient cure.....

My inlaws are all Chinese and balding. Get some Propecia and Rogaine. Aloe, and all those herbs will make your hair nice, but it wont stop the loss or make it regrow.


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So quick update; I've been using Tricomin/Revivogen for nearly a week now with great thickening at first, then around day 3-4, hair began to look thin again, feels dry, and scalp looks more oily than before. If anyone has had a similar experience on these products or if this is a good sign/normal let me know , thanks


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Lord_Justin13 said:
So quick update; I've been using Tricomin/Revivogen for nearly a week now with great thickening at first, then around day 3-4, hair began to look thin again, feels dry, and scalp looks more oily than before. If anyone has had a similar experience on these products or if this is a good sign/normal let me know , thanks

Yep, I had the same thing with the Revivogen

Revivogen is myth, not work for hair loss


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It's immpossible that you would see any progress from any treatment in merely one week, so if you thought you got visable results from Revivogen in that short period, you were mistaken.

I am sure I saw the cosmetic appearance improved and each individual hair was showing thicker, Ive been using both Tricomin/Revivogen, I'm just not sure since now it looks thinner again and scalp looks/feels more oily, if that's a 'good' sign


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Yep, I had the same thing with the Revivogen

Revivogen is myth, not work for hair loss

So, would it be wise to continue using the revivogen?, or move over to Aloe and ACV? I've read 'decent' reviews for these.


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Lord_Justin13 said:
Yep, I had the same thing with the Revivogen

Revivogen is myth, not work for hair loss

So, would it be wise to continue using the revivogen?, or move over to Aloe and ACV? I've read 'decent' reviews for these.
Stop using Revivogen, replace it by Alpecin or Revita Shampoo


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dpdr, I just checked out the Revita shampoo, and it looks great;


Apple PolyphenolProcyanidin B2 & C1
Copper Peptides
Spin Traps
Caffeine 4%
Carnitine Tartrate
Amino Acids
Emu Oil

Frankly, I'm surprised this shampoo isn't getting more spotlight, what's not to like with apple poly's, copper peps., ketoconazole, MSM, Emu oil and biotin

I have heard caffeine may be harmful to hair though; but I believe I ran over a 'Japanese' research study on caffeine being good for hair loss.


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You might want to try the combinatione of capsicin (found in cayenne pepper and chili) and soy isoflavones. Researchers has actually confirmed that this improves hair growth. Apparently the combination is better than either of them toghether.

Also, both topical concentrations of raspberry, grape seed and apple peels are proven to be effective. So is the topical application of green tea.


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finfighter said:
First of all...There is no ''cure'' for hairloss currently available. If you want to slow down your hairloss and maybe even temorarly reverse it, you only have limited opions which are.





Anything else is simply unproven and untested, these are the only treatments which have been proven to work. I wouldn't personally take Dutasteride though.

Actually, that's not entirely true. While the data supporting the efficacy of the compounds/drug/pharmaceuticals you mentioned is certainly the most widely corroborated, and make up the first line of defense against hair loss, there are other things that have been shown in tests to have effectiveness in combating hair loss. The following list of ingredients has been shown, empirically, to have either hair growth stimulatory effects or anti-5-alpha reductase effects:

  • Topical Zinc Pyrithione

    Emu Oil

    Topical Caffeine

    Saw Palmetto

    Lingzhi mushroom

    Stinging Nettle


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finfighter said:
DHTHater said:
finfighter said:
First of all...There is no ''cure'' for hairloss currently available. If you want to slow down your hairloss and maybe even temorarly reverse it, you only have limited opions which are.





Anything else is simply unproven and untested, these are the only treatments which have been proven to work. I wouldn't personally take Dutasteride though.

Actually, that's not entirely true. While the data supporting the efficacy of the compounds/drug/pharmaceuticals you mentioned is certainly the most widely corroborated, and make up the first line of defense against hair loss, there are other things that have been shown in tests to have effectiveness in combating hair loss. The following list of ingredients has been shown, empirically, to have either hair growth stimulatory effects or anti-5-alpha reductase effects:

  • Topical Zinc Pyrithione

    Emu Oil

    Topical Caffeine

    Saw Palmetto

    Lingzhi mushroom

    Stinging Nettle

Really ''tests'', tests do not interest me, good science does. Clinical studies preformed under proper scientific methodology is what I find persuasive, there have not been any actual clinical trials preformed to back up the chemicals and products that you mentioned, if you know of some please elaborate.

These small scale studies often lack a proper Control Group, and they do not include hundreds of participants, therefore, they are not scientific at all, and the conclusions drawn from these types of studies cannot be taken as fact, because these small studies to not meet proper scientific criteria, they are simply circumstanial at best.

I guess that depends on how you're defining "proper scientific methodology", and what you're personally compelled by. I understand that you prefer FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs (the only ones that could have really gone through large scale clinical trials), over things big-pharma have either overlooked, or have yet to capitalize on.

Certainly the tests showing efficacy behind the 5ar reductase inhibititory effects of things like the Reishi Mushroom ( Lingzhi Mushroom) (http://reishi.setamed.com/articulos/art6.pdf) are conducted by certified biochemists using "proper scientific methodology". The protective effects of Topical Caffeine against androgen binding was witnessed in another test conducted by professional scientists that also revealed the Caffeine stimulated hair growth ( http://www.beIgraviacentre.com/blog/que ... hair-loss/ ), similar is true of Emu Oil ( http://www.emuoil.co.uk/emu_oil_research.htm) and Stinging Nettle ( http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10 ... 7v05n04_01 )

These tests certainly haven't gone through comprehensive human trials yet, and it seems that is your personal litmus test for usability, but that doesn't necessarily mean they they aren't effective in use against hair loss either. The initial findings show that they are.


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finfighter said:
Well, all of that info was very preliminary, and those tests were conducted invitro. I understand your interest in alternate treatments, but the reality is, currently, we only have limited options that are proven to work- as I metioned earlier. And I have scene many people on this forum try Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle, among endless other natural remedies, not one of them experianced positive results, the only people that I have ever wittnessed experiance success have either taken, Finasteride Minoxidil, or Dutasteride.

The "only people you've witnessed experienced success" (Not to be a grammar nazi but I corrected your spelling there) is anecdotal evidence, which is to say it that doesn't mean that it's empirically or objectively untrue that other things work simply because you personally have not seen evidence of them working.

I stopped shedding and saw more velum hair growth using Revita than I did with Nizoral, which to me suggests that either topical caffeine, Emu Oil, or both played a part in the dramatic difference. But that's anecdotal evidence. I wouldn't claim that it was so or not based on my personal observation because it's not objective enough to say what works for me will work for everyone.

On a side note, there have been several studies conducting using Emu Oil, and several of them were not in vitro, wherein most of the balding participants reported regrowth of inactive follicle hairs using Emu Oil. The same is true about capsaicin in at least rats from what we know. Regular consumption of capsaicin showed a profound increase in hair growth factors for the rat group being fed capsaicin vs a placebo group.

I'm naturally skeptical, and I agree that a lot of claims out there need to be taken with a grain of salt, as its an obvious soft target market to exploit the easily fleeced, but the ingredients I mentioned (Saw Palmetto not necessarily withstanding) are not among the snake oil and voodoo compounds out there. There is hard data, albeit inconclusive, backing their use.


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caveat lector: should say grain of salt, not grain of sand.


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So, quick update, I eased up on Revivogen/Tricomin, started massaging Aloe vera gelly on my scalp then rinsing with ACV, and am supplementing 3X Tbls day. A lot of oil on my scalp cleard, and the overall health of it feels better. Each hair shaft feels denser and is more firm and not so limp.


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finfighter said:
DHTHater said:
finfighter said:
Well, all of that info was very preliminary, and those tests were conducted invitro. I understand your interest in alternate treatments, but the reality is, currently, we only have limited options that are proven to work- as I metioned earlier. And I have scene many people on this forum try Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle, among endless other natural remedies, not one of them experianced positive results, the only people that I have ever wittnessed experiance success have either taken, Finasteride Minoxidil, or Dutasteride.

The "only people you've witnessed experienced success" (Not to be a grammar nazi but I corrected your spelling there) is anecdotal evidence, which is to say it that doesn't mean that it's empirically or objectively untrue that other things work simply because you personally have not seen evidence of them working.

I stopped shedding and saw more velum hair growth using Revita than I did with Nizoral, which to me suggests that either topical caffeine, Emu Oil, or both played a part in the dramatic difference. But that's anecdotal evidence. I wouldn't claim that it was so or not based on my personal observation because it's not objective enough to say what works for me will work for everyone.

On a side note, there have been several studies conducting using Emu Oil, and several of them were not in vitro, wherein most of the balding participants reported regrowth of inactive follicle hairs using Emu Oil. The same is true about capsaicin in at least rats from what we know. Regular consumption of capsaicin showed a profound increase in hair growth factors for the rat group being fed capsaicin vs a placebo group.

I'm naturally skeptical, and I agree that a lot of claims out there need to be taken with a grain of salt, as its an obvious soft target market to exploit the easily fleeced, but the ingredients I mentioned (Saw Palmetto not necessarily withstanding) are not among the snake oil and voodoo compounds out there. There is hard data, albeit inconclusive, backing their use.

Once again, you have not offered any good science to back up these claims, you are presenting opinions regaurding these various supplements as fact, when in reality you failed to provide one reliable human study to back up your claims. All of the sources that you have cited were either preliminary animal studies or were in vitro, this data hardly precludes that these treatments would be effective in a human model.

And thank you for your very thoughtful spelling correction; if you were only as thoughtful in your research, perhaps you would have been able to present some stronger data!

finfighter said:
DHTHater said:
finfighter said:
Well, all of that info was very preliminary, and those tests were conducted invitro. I understand your interest in alternate treatments, but the reality is, currently, we only have limited options that are proven to work- as I metioned earlier. And I have scene many people on this forum try Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle, among endless other natural remedies, not one of them experianced positive results, the only people that I have ever wittnessed experiance success have either taken, Finasteride Minoxidil, or Dutasteride.

The "only people you've witnessed experienced success" (Not to be a grammar nazi but I corrected your spelling there)

Ironically, your ''correction'' was grammatically incorrect (my only error was the extra letter ''T'' in the word ''Witnessed'') (And the ''A'' in experience) I stated, ''The only people that I have ever witnessed experience success have either taken, Finasteride, Minoxidil, or Dutasteride.''

In the context above ''experience success'' as I wrote, was correct, your ''correction'' experienced was grammatically incorrect.
Because in the aformentioned statement, the word ''witnessed'' was in the past tense whereas the word experience was correctly in the present tense, not the past tense, as you incorrectly suggested

You might want to brush up on your grammer before you start splitting hairs with me. :hump: :puke:

I never claimed I had human studies. You only complained about needing them for yourself to be compelled to believe they worked. I simply stated that there had been positive initial tests conducted by Biochemists, and Cutaneous Biologists backing the efficacy of said compounds. I, unlike you, never felt the need for scores of human trials to believe that they worked. If that were the case, I'm sure I'd be paying 5 x what they are being sold for now, as a pharmaceutical company would be peddling them at a grotesque markup. The Emu Oil study is cited by the makers of Revita here: http://www.divineskin.com/revita/technical10.asp and the capsaicin study I referred to, while not in vitro, was conducted on rats and can be found here, as promised: http://inhumanexperiment.blogspot.com/2009/09/capsaicin-and-soy-isoflavones-grow-hair.html. There was an actual human trial using topical capsaicin that yielded positive results marked in velum hair growth in cases of Alopecia Areata, that test can be found here: http://www.nature.com/jidsp/journal/v9/n1/full/5640137a.html.

And with regard to your literacy woes, from your direct quote:

"as I metioned earlier. And I have scene many people on this forum try Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle, among endless other natural remedies, not one of them experianced positive results, the only people that I have ever wittnessed experiance success"

There are four badly misspelled words there (five if you count the same word twice), not the one you claim there is, so either you learned your math at the same place you learned to spell, or you need to go back and look at that one again.

Did you just ask me to brush up on my "grammer"? As soon as you tell me what "grammer" is, I'll be sure to brush up on it. :roll:



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you forgot tricomin. it went through fda phase 1 and 2 studies (at different concentration/vehicle).


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Update time....

So, I've come to find out something rather disappointing about 'Revivogen'.
A few days ago while continuing my usual routine, I came to find my scalp was looking darker and darker...., when I went outside I looked at my reflection in the mirror of my car while the sun beamed upon my scalp, and that's when I saw the revivogen was STAINING my scalp an orangeish color, I don't even know...
I'm still using it, but now I rinse with the ACV 30 mins after applying.

As far as the Tricomin goes, I use sparingly as well, since the next day my hair is EXTREMELY dry, and my hair is already dry as is...

I did however start going on long walks, trying to pump blood into my head, and sweat too, in preparation for running, lungs still feel some pain since I haven't been active for a year.

Also, went shopping last night, got a bunch of green apples, root vegetables, aloe vera drink, and palm oil, hoping some good eats after running will help.

as far as revivogen and tricomin goes, I don't know what to think, I'm starting to wonder if it's helping me or making matters worse, input is always welcome, thanks