A Diet Devoid of Cooked Fat


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Dude - this cooked fat thing doesn't have legs (no pun).

However, I believe one of our balding brethren named IBM boasts of eating fruit only. He also maintains a dangerously low weight, if I recall. You should hook up with him.


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hairwegoagain said:
Dude - this cooked fat thing doesn't have legs (no pun).

I think I was just slightly wide of the mark. The science is all in my thread in General.

Balding IS to do with diet.


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DammitLetMeIn said:
Anyone ever done it?

Hmm, Apples and Oranges,

Whey protein, Soy protein,


Non-fermented soy protein is carcinogenic. Good luck with that.


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Google it, there is a plethora of information available that will tell you so.


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Why would you? A healthy diet cuts the chance of heart attacks, cancer by like 50 percent. You still have coin flip chance of dying even with that stupid diet but you lived your life without eating anything good. Good food isnt healthy but it makes life enjoyable and is a pleasure. If you dont eat it sometimes then you miss out. Way back in the day they used to drink and eat for fun you miss out if you dont. Then you might still die anyways.


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Good food, like hambergers and microwave dinners, is tasty after a while of not eating them. I found in the past that if I eat them a lot, I just get bored of them. So eat them twice a week or something. I go completely without them, though, except for my mexican food.

I rarely eat cooked fat. I don't see anything wrong with cooked saturated fat, especially coco nut fat. I just avoid fried non-saturated fat.

I used to eat soy, but I read enough controversy out there that I stopped. Just because a food has some good properties does not mean it does not have trade off bad properties. The articles I read said there is no threshhold below shich soy can't mess up your thyroid or do other bad stuff. It's amazing you can buy frozen green soybeans at the store, since the phitic acid alone will prevent you from getting any nutritional value other than protein from them.

Supposedly GTE ups testosterone, but I still take lots of it and a very small amount of DHEA. Not willing to let my hormones drop off to help my hair a little bit more. I am on dutasteride after all, so I should be OK.


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I drank soy milk for about 2 weeks and started to get nipple pain, so I immediately stopped. I will never again take a soy supplement, soy protein or soy milk.

My mom had a friend who'se husband developed a serious case of deadly cancer after being on a diet where he ate almost no fat at all. He thought his diet had a direct impact on his contracting cancer. Without going into a religious argument, I think that animal fats and saturated fats are perfectly good for you...Like CCS said, coconut oil is great for you, and great to fry foods in.


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Diet will not have a significant impact on hormone levels and hair loss, unless you have a deficiency. Eat healthy to be healthy and live longer.


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I stopped eating fruit and vegetables because i was off home and screw my diet.
Lately i've been very sick because of i was off home and i'm very stressed due to work.
When i get better i'll organize myself and start to eat vegies and fruit again.

I recomend this diet of vegies and fruit. You'll feel free.

Some things you should avoid:
- Oil (olive included);
- Salt;
- Sodas, alcoholl and coffee;
- Potatos;

- Tomato and lemmon - every day;
- Eat only meat once a week;
- Soup of beans;
- Fish;
- Rice;
- A lot of fruit (3 apples+3 pears+1 banana+2 oranges);
- A lot of water (2 lt);

Oh other thing: do not eat in restaurants, they're evil and will make you bald because of their fat cooked things.


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To prevent oxidative damage, you need a high enough ratio of nutrients to calories. Every calorie you eat is a calorie you will burn some day and make radicals with. B vitamins reduce the amount of radicals made, but other vitamins and GTE fight off those free radicals. Processed foods are devoid of so much that people age faster when they eat them. That is what oxidative damage does. The RDA is not enough if you want to be a youthful 60 year old.


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So to conclude CCS all you need to eat a lot of veggies and fruities.