A Diffrent Perspective.

Knight Rider

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The more and more I research this more and more I am driven to the conclusion it is evolutionary. What ever we don’t need, our body gets ride of. Hair was an essential part of survival and was necessary and now our bodies no longer require a full head of hair to survive so it is being economical at saving energy and directing else ware. For example if you look as how ALIENS are depicted. They have big eyes NO HAIR big foreheads. The balding man or the bald man should be seen as a more evolved male. Take a look at this picture of a Gorilla who is balding. This obviously serves a purpose in the evolutionary perspective. The problem is society sees baldness as UNATTRACTIVE and thus this is way we are all here when you really look at it. Society has yet to catch up with evolution.
To say this is not genetic is just plain ignorence. Just because one brother is balding and the other is not is a question of chromosomes. 23 form the father 23 from the mother. They are never going to be distributed with the exact same output as the last reproduction. DHT levels in the scalp is just the method in which our genes have chosen to get ride of the hair. We are actually fighting against evolution. So that’s that.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Male ... orilla.JPG

However having said all this I still want my hair to grow thinker and stronger. It is what is seen in society as more attractive and denotes stronger alpha male qualities in the opposite sex. After all this is who its all for anyway..Chicks, lol....


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That s official madness. Did you come up with that theory all on yourself?

Knight Rider

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Ha. NO, but its a theory obviously. But please indulge me, I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. What do you think is the reason?


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I feel that a perfectly reasonable theory to explain the slow evolutionary pressure toward balding is that it helps cool the brain.



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i agree with this theory. evolution is happening, it never stops, evolving is something that we see so little because were only alive for century. that's just a blip in our species' existance on earth.

do any of you really think humans were put on this earth to be humans and if they treat the earth well it will treat them well?


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I've always thought this from the start. Its just society that deems it as unattractive.

Girls are developing earlier and earlier.
Males are also and i think the byproduct of that is the increased DHT. Hence why you see males balding younger and younger.


Senior Member
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mmmmm young developing girls...........mmmmm 15, mmmmm 16 :evil:


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Bryan said:
I feel that a perfectly reasonable theory to explain the slow evolutionary pressure toward balding is that it helps cool the brain.


Interesting... :jumpy:



There is a natural 'Hydraulic' hair growth adjustment mechanism, that can be observed in human hair growth patterns. Given Accepted knowledge, this offers an important insight into mammalian evolution, human physiology, and female suseptibility to immune system dysfunction.


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Renegade said:
Maybe a response to global warming then!

LoL, I would not totally discount it.

Hair loss is evolutionary in my opinion and now more than ever is fueled by lifestyle, in particular environmental variables in which affect our physiology.

This alteration of our physiology produces stressors in which mediate the precursors to hair loss.

How can I be certain?

Well, I know, through not only deliberation, but through trial and error and extensive research that "stress" in my case exacerbates hair loss. This includes mental and or biological stress but importantly it includes stress induced by physiological means.

You can not discount hair loss and it's relation to genetic dependencies however understanding why hair loss expresses itself based upon these dependencies is largley unknown, well, so it has been thought.

Genes do not turn themselves on or off at their own discretion as they please at predefined intervals as it was once widely thought. Your "cells" choose to read genetic information, as on or off, as they please, however "as they please" is influenced solely by internal and external environmental issues.

The "human", was not bolted down to earth riding a bolt of lightning from "He", the almighty creator, no! Rather we evolved, our cells divided, adapted and evolved and here we are.

What do you think influenced this evolutionary process? The environment of course, both internal and external.

So whilst you may have similar genetic information passed to your from your father, uncle, grandfather or some distant relative you never knew, the fact as to whether or not you go bald is not weighted so much on the understanding that you have the gene but rather, whether or not you choose to invoke that genes trait by way of influence.

This is not far fetched hocus pocus, this is, in fact, what it is, LIFE.

Modulating levels of DHT and all else associated is fine, HOWEVER, your efforts by and large are futile in the long term.

This is likely due to the fact that your environmental influences have not and will not change, always creating the demand for adversity to exist, thus as you scoot along the continuum of time and AGE, your ability to cope with the effects of hair destroying/inhibiting elements diminishes, thus the loss of efficiency of once viable solutions becomes apparent as you head toward the somewhat inevitable.