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Update: I now believe that it is not excessive sebum which is responsible for male pattern baldness, but insufficient subcutaneous fat protecting the follicles on the top of the scalp. The principle of writing a letter will still work of course, but you would do well to update the letter to say something about asking the body to restore the fat around follicles.

This is an alternative hypnotherapy treatment. The subconscious mind has a tremendous amount of control over the inner workings of the body, but when it is given a vague command like "Grow My Hair Back" it can often fail to produce the desired result. However, when given a very specific command regarding the mechanism of hairloss (enlargement of the sebaceous gland and overproduction of sebum) there is a much stronger likelihood the subconscious mind will successfully fix the problem.

It is suggested that you read this letter to yourself every night before you go to sleep in addition to whatever your current plan is:

Dear Subconscious Mind,

Thank you for all of your services, especially recently.

I know I have been asking you to "regrow" the hair on the top of my head, but I feel I haven't been specific enough in those commands to give you adequate direction to complete the job.

What needs to done is the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles on the top of my head need to be restored back to moderate size and activity and kept at that moderate size and activity so that they do not overproduce sebum and drown their respective follicles in waxy discharge.

Also, the hair follicles that have been damaged in the past need to be stimulated so they can grow healthy and full again.

Please bring any lifestyle adjustments to my attention if they are necessary to help you complete this task.

Thank You,
The Conscious Mind


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Now I've heard it all. You think this letter is going to grow back anyones hair? The level of delusion has never been higher.


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DHT will attack your follicles regardless of whether you 'ask' it to stop doing it.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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Well then HairIsPossible, take before and after pictures of your hair and scalp and show us if the letter to your subconscious mind and/or scalp helped with the hypnotherapy treatment.

Good luck. :rolleyes:


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Great thread, I feel like I wanna grow another inch and be 6'5, so I'm gonna write a letter to my growth plates asking them to open back up for a little while and while I'm at it, send a text to my pituary gland for that little bit of growth hormone needed. Wish me luck!


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oh boy this is great. To be honest i dont think reciting a letter has much effect. But being even more honest, i have found that mindful meditation and taking time each day to relax your body is beneficial. Whether it helps your scalp i dont know, but is has alleviated that "scalp itch" for me.

Captain Hook

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On a serious note this may actually work. It is down to everyone's belief.

However, reading a letter is not the way. One needs to train themselves in meditation and hypnotherapy which is not easy, so you can close all other thoughts and reach the subconscious.
It is not snake oil, it is scientifically proven. E.g. Tibetan monks use similar techniques to shut their metabolism and survive sub zero temperatures for a long time without suffering from hypothermia. Normal science cannot explain it.


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My Regimen
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it is scientifically proven. E.g. Tibetan monks use similar techniques to shut their metabolism and survive sub zero temperatures for a long time without suffering from hypothermia. Normal science cannot explain it.
