A little empathy and advice please


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Typical story: Premature hair loss, went through years of denial, etc. I'm not going to regurgitate my story, because I know you all know what I'm going through. I'm 24 now, and I started really noticing loss when I was about 21, and that was some of the most stressful times in my professional life.

Let me first state that I'm rather against a pharmaceutical solution for regrowth. I think I can learn to overcome the emotional detriment hairloss has caused, so my main concern at this moment is not losing anymore hair. In a few years I might consider an FUE hair transplant, or I might wait to see what else is offered.

I'm probably about a Norwood III or IV I'd say, and I know I should have started earlier (denial of course). I've read these forums quite a bit, but can anyone provide general guidance that might help me retain what I have without resorting to pharmaceutical solutions (e.g. Proscar, etc.). Revivogen + spironolactone perhaps?

Any thoughts much appreciated.

Bone Daddy

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without pharmaceuticals?

God's will be done.


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Can't blame a guy for trying, can you? I merely meant that I don't wish to take finasteride for the rest of my life to keep my hair. I understand that others have fantastic success with "the big 3", but I have personal aversions to its use that leaves me seeking other solutions.


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Dont take it for the rest of your life then,. try taking it for the next 3-5, maybe 10 years. At that point you can decide if you want to start losing your hair again (baring some breakthroughs in hair restoration).

A lot of people dont want to take finasteride, and I suppose its understandable. But its really the best solution out there.

If you really cant bare to take finasteride, you can try topical DHT inhibitors. They might help.


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Chad, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm 27 now and starting noticing my hairloss around 24 or 25. I'm also opposed to pharmaceutical solutions. I just don't think it's worth the potential risk.

I've been using revivogen for about a year now. I'm a diffuse thinner and while I can't say that I've seen much regrowth, I have managed to maintain most of the hair I had. Honestly, I don't know if my maintenance is due to the revivogen or I'm just losing my hair very slowly. But I'd give it a try and see how it works for you. Out of the non-pharmaceutical options out there, it's probably the one with the most science behind it.

Probably the best investment I've made so far regarding my hair is a quality set of hair clippers. I keep my hair buzzed with a #1 setting, and it helps a whole lot. I suggest you buzz your hair and see how you like it. It made me think about hairloss much less. Good luck to you and keep use posted on your results.


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Thanks all!

I can't tell you how much I'd love to buzz my head, but I just can't quite get there yet. I've kept my hair pretty much the same way for the past 8 years or so (it was longer in high-school, and shorter for the past 6 years or so--just not near buzz short), so the impact might be a little much for me. I am slowly getting there though by having my hair cut shorter each time. Eventually I'll get it to buzz length :) I also don't think I have a head that looks good with a buzz, but I guess I can't really say as I haven't had it that short since I was a kid.

I'll give Revivogen a try, because it's better than doing what I'm doing now, and I've read many say that they at least notice a decent cosmetic difference.
