A Nutritional Change And Physical Exercise To Stop Hair Loss(?)


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Good day, dear HairLossTalk community.

As a new member of this forum, I would like to share information, learn knowledge, make contacts and talk with other people about various topics. My desire is not only to help individual people, but to bring our entire human consciousness forward. Each of us can expand his knowledge to help not only himself, but also others. I apologize very much for this text and my bad English skills. I have full understanding if someone does not want to read this long message.

I myself am a relatively young person who is interested primarily in the general well-being. In my opinion, this includes the following:

- human health (nutrition; paleo, vegetarian, vegan, raw food, earthing, detoxification, orthomolecular medicine, "superfoods", supplements, reverse hair loss, deformation, dieting, fasting, physical exercise and sports)

- sexuality (abstinence, tantra, semen retention, exercises to delay the ejaculation, penis enlargement, kegel exercises for longer erections and better sex, strengthen the vagina and the pelvic floor with jade / yoni eggs)

- Meditation

- breathing exercises

- Cold showers

and much more.

If you allow me, I'd like to share information and tell you what causes hair loss (in my opinion) and how I could stop it. But please understand the following: I am not an expert/a doctor or nutritionist in this field and do not want to give the impression that I have found the truth about hair loss and everyone who disagrees is wrong. I am just a young person who wants to share experiences with you. I can and will not guarantee that my knowledge is correct, so please take it with a grain of salt.

I can well imagine that stress, depression, grief, worry, etc. can be responsible for hair loss. But also thyroid problems, various medicines, chemicals in conventional hair care and styling products, over-acidification of the entire organism, overloaded digestive system, nutrient and mineral deficiency, heavy metal pollution, toxins, amalgam fillings in the teeth or unilateral diets. To treat hair loss holistically, I would recommend a nutritional change, deacidification, remineralisation, zinc + iron, bowel cleanse and basic hair + scalp care.

Furthermore: Even if people are convinced that hair loss is genetic, I do not think that this is 100% true. There are undoubted cases that are genetic, but in my opinion, this is only a very small percentage of humanity. Most people nowadays underestimate food and physical exercise. These two factors play a very important role, even if others have a completely different opinion.

Food rich in zinc, B vitamins, C, D3 + K2, B3, B12, A, fiber, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and clean protein can stop / prevent hair loss. This also applies to other internal as well as external diseases. Healthy fats should not be forgotten.

Avoid sugar-containing food, refined carbohydrates, soy, wheat, conventional meats + fish, trans fats and pasteurized dairy products as much as possible.

In my youth, as many others, I watched daily pornographic material on the Internet. Today I would say I was addicted at this time. It was much easier to watch such movies and satisfy my sexual desire for a short time, instead of speaking to women outside the computer screen and making real experiences. After a while I noticed that my hair became thinner and fall out after one or more ejaculations. So I started the search engine and looking for terms like semen/sperm + hair loss and quickly found hundreds or thousands of articles reported that many nutrients lost after ejaculation (including zinc).

I also became aware of the so-called "NoFap" + "NoPorn" and tried it out immediately. But I have to admit that it was not easy and I needed several attempts. During this time, I switched my diet and started to exercise regularly. Whether sexual abstinence / semen retention (+no pornography) works or not, everyone should decide for themselves. There are people who notice an improvement of their life, and others nothing at all.

There was in my life a certain time, in which I lost many hairs, but was never bald or had bald spots. Since I live healthy, I have no more problems. My recommendation is to eat as naturally as possible. No processed + packaged food with different and unknown ingredients. If you have any questions, please ask.

I would be very happy if we could talk about these topics and exchange information. Would be nice if each of us learn something new, not just me. My main goal is to inform other people and help them, so they do not make the same mistakes and bad experiences as I do.

All the best for the whole community (+ your friends and families).
God bless.

With best regards,


Established Member
My Regimen
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yeah its not genetic lol so what about homeless guy that eat sh*t doesnt work out and of course hes perfect nw1 ...


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Good day, dear HairLossTalk community.

As a new member of this forum, I would like to share information, learn knowledge, make contacts and talk with other people about various topics. My desire is not only to help individual people, but to bring our entire human consciousness forward. Each of us can expand his knowledge to help not only himself, but also others. I apologize very much for this text and my bad English skills. I have full understanding if someone does not want to read this long message.

I myself am a relatively young person who is interested primarily in the general well-being. In my opinion, this includes the following:

- human health (nutrition; paleo, vegetarian, vegan, raw food, earthing, detoxification, orthomolecular medicine, "superfoods", supplements, reverse hair loss, deformation, dieting, fasting, physical exercise and sports)

- sexuality (abstinence, tantra, semen retention, exercises to delay the ejaculation, penis enlargement, kegel exercises for longer erections and better sex, strengthen the vagina and the pelvic floor with jade / yoni eggs)

- Meditation

- breathing exercises

- Cold showers

and much more.

If you allow me, I'd like to share information and tell you what causes hair loss (in my opinion) and how I could stop it. But please understand the following: I am not an expert/a doctor or nutritionist in this field and do not want to give the impression that I have found the truth about hair loss and everyone who disagrees is wrong. I am just a young person who wants to share experiences with you. I can and will not guarantee that my knowledge is correct, so please take it with a grain of salt.

I can well imagine that stress, depression, grief, worry, etc. can be responsible for hair loss. But also thyroid problems, various medicines, chemicals in conventional hair care and styling products, over-acidification of the entire organism, overloaded digestive system, nutrient and mineral deficiency, heavy metal pollution, toxins, amalgam fillings in the teeth or unilateral diets. To treat hair loss holistically, I would recommend a nutritional change, deacidification, remineralisation, zinc + iron, bowel cleanse and basic hair + scalp care.

Furthermore: Even if people are convinced that hair loss is genetic, I do not think that this is 100% true. There are undoubted cases that are genetic, but in my opinion, this is only a very small percentage of humanity. Most people nowadays underestimate food and physical exercise. These two factors play a very important role, even if others have a completely different opinion.

Food rich in zinc, B vitamins, C, D3 + K2, B3, B12, A, fiber, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and clean protein can stop / prevent hair loss. This also applies to other internal as well as external diseases. Healthy fats should not be forgotten.

Avoid sugar-containing food, refined carbohydrates, soy, wheat, conventional meats + fish, trans fats and pasteurized dairy products as much as possible.

In my youth, as many others, I watched daily pornographic material on the Internet. Today I would say I was addicted at this time. It was much easier to watch such movies and satisfy my sexual desire for a short time, instead of speaking to women outside the computer screen and making real experiences. After a while I noticed that my hair became thinner and fall out after one or more ejaculations. So I started the search engine and looking for terms like semen/sperm + hair loss and quickly found hundreds or thousands of articles reported that many nutrients lost after ejaculation (including zinc).

I also became aware of the so-called "NoFap" + "NoPorn" and tried it out immediately. But I have to admit that it was not easy and I needed several attempts. During this time, I switched my diet and started to exercise regularly. Whether sexual abstinence / semen retention (+no pornography) works or not, everyone should decide for themselves. There are people who notice an improvement of their life, and others nothing at all.

There was in my life a certain time, in which I lost many hairs, but was never bald or had bald spots. Since I live healthy, I have no more problems. My recommendation is to eat as naturally as possible. No processed + packaged food with different and unknown ingredients. If you have any questions, please ask.

I would be very happy if we could talk about these topics and exchange information. Would be nice if each of us learn something new, not just me. My main goal is to inform other people and help them, so they do not make the same mistakes and bad experiences as I do.

All the best for the whole community (+ your friends and families).
God bless.

With best regards,
There are people who never excercise, are fat, eat unhealthy tons of sugar and processed foods, people who inject various illegal drugs into their vains, people with clotted arteries, etc. etc. who have thick full heads of hair because of their f*****g gemetics!! I ate more fruits and vegetables than my friends growing up and I nver liked sugar too much. my friends drank lots of sodas compared to me and I am the one who started balding prematurely.
Actually, when you get nutrition, your body uses it to produce Testosterone and DHT and continues to murder ones hair without giving a flying f*** what we want.

Its true that some nutrients are good for producing hair, Protein, iron, vit D.
but mostly hair loss is hormonally driven and the altering your hormone levels or blocking the receptors is required.