A partial system? Cutting a system?


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Good morning everyone.

Just to quickly introduce myself.. I've been losing my hair since turning 30, (I'm now 41) When I first noticing hair loss on my crown I started using hair fibres and these worked brilliantly. But over the years I lost more hair and the area to cover got bigger and the amount of fibres needed got more. I now also have to incorporate folding one side then the other of my hair over in a certain way to cover properly. It takes quite a bit of preparation but it seems to work well. Nobody knows (apart from my wife) I'm losing my hair let alone quite how bald I am! I've told a few close friends I use fibres and after a quick inspection they say they cannot tell. For 99% of the time I'm in public (including work) I just wear a hat.

I'm at the point now though where I'm struggling to cover my crown with the 'fold overs' and there's not enough hair to create a hairline, the fibres will start to be visible, and honestly, my hairstyle isn't a hairstyle its a construction to hide balding. And I don't want to wear a hat all the time. I don't feel like shaving my head is an option, I would reveal my balding, and to go from a 'full head of hair' to this would be hard and embarrassing. To make this worse, people always tell me how young I look, that I'm 41 but look 31, this adds more pressure to continue this charade!

I always assumed I'd get to this point and have a hair transplant. But money is tight, and the only transplants in the UK I can afford have horrendous reviews, and the ones in turkey seem a bit of a lottery too. (Unless anyone knows otherwise and could suggest somewhere? I'm told I need 6000 grafts!)

A few years ago I had a consultation with a hair system company, but it was very expensive and was committing to ongoing monthly expenses, so I disregarded it. I also found it a hard step to imagine shaving my head, including some good hair, to fit a full system.

Which brings me to why I'm posting, (sorry for the life story!) I'm wondering if I can bridge the gap between full system and folding/combover. I'm wondering if something exists, that I can shape myself at home with the help of my wife, in only the areas I'm bald. Importantly, I have a thick bit of hair at the front, that although it now doesn't make a full hairline, I could place the system behind it and style the hair to hide any joins etc. My thinking being that if I can hide hair fibres reasonably well surely it will be more effective with a partial hair system? It doesn't have to be perfect, just better than what I'm doing now. I can see how glueing a smaller funny shaped system could cause issues, but I'm willing to accept a lack of durability if necessary.

I'm sure the obvious answer is, just get a full system - you need it! But for whatever reason, I just can't, and maybe if I have a few years of using a partial system I'd be ready to? As well as that I just want something I can order online and shape/fit myself, but of course I have no idea of what I would need and how to judge the quality.

Thanks in advance for any help or product suggestions, I also hope I haven't offended anyone with my concerns.

I've attached some pictures of my hair both with and without fibres, and one of the kind of shape and position I mean.


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Your idea is a good one. To utilize your existing hair and site the piece behind it. Just buy a custom piece or maybe even stock system and cut the desired system. It really wouldnt be that difficult. Just make the template and cut the piece.

As for transplant, you could consider smaller procedures i.e. Just having it transplanted at the crown to fill that in, or just have them all in the hairline and just site a smaller piece behind it.

If i was you I'd avoid UK surgeons, there are some decent ones but if you're going for a hair transplant you really should go to the best. Turkey wouldnt be my choice even though their are a couple of decent ones.

A hairpiece sitting behind your hairline would be a much cheaper and easier way to get the look you want.


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My Regimen
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That's brilliant, very positive news! Could you recommend a supplier for somewhere online? In my case do you know whether lace or poly would be better or whether that wouldn't matter?


Established Member
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That's brilliant, very positive news! Could you recommend a supplier for somewhere online? In my case do you know whether lace or poly would be better or whether that wouldn't matter?
I've only ever bought swiss lace, and I order from lordhair....it might be an idea to order a cheap stock piece and practice cutting the piece to desired shape, this way if you mess up it wont be a expensive mistake.