A question concering derm/Doctor, need help please!


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All I've been using to treat my hair loss so far is Nizoral...because I'm a pussy and still in denial. Those days are over. My balding is about to become detectable as I am no longer just receding at the temples, but the front is beginning to thin. Very scary. I need to stop it before it gets bad. Its undetectable to anyone who doesnt give it a really, really hard look under and really, really bright light...but it must stop now. Its finasteride time.

I want to use proscar 1/4ths or 1/5ths to save money. I do not currently have a dermatologist. Would you guys suggest just speaking with my family doctor or to go out and get a dermatologist. If the latter, how do I get a dermatologist (I'm only 20 and new to the real world haha)?

Lets hear your thoughts please.

Good luck with your battles and thanks...this forum may have saved my hair's life.

Bone Daddy

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You can go to http://www.propecia.com and they will schedule a free visit for propecia (finasteride), so you could go that way. Also you could just buy some online (proscar/Fincar) if you don't have any medical problems like kidney failure or etc. All the warnings are on the propecia site. But if you must have a dermatogist to tell you what you already know, have your doctor or insurance company recommend one.


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I have no medical problems whatsoever and take no medications at all, so the online thing sounds good...but I thought you NEEDED and prescription to get your hands on finasteride? Where can you get this proscar?


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Thanks a lot! Anywhere I can get it cheaper? Anyone use fincar or whatever that is and know where I can get it?