A question on HM?


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I'm not very knowledgable on HM. (Hair Multiplication right?)
I've read in posts that its not coming out till a few years =S
Could explain more about this please?


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It'll be out with a cure for aids and cancer.


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A fair comparison... if you visit aids forums you will see the same "the new promising treatment is now testing" going on for decades.

...Except that HM treatments have undergone Phase II testing, and with success, and if Phase III is successful will be ready to go to market.

I guess you can believe one of two things. Either the treatments that are undergoing trials, and have huge investments, and make theoretical sense, and have shown success in trials are likely to work; or, it's all a big lie and the companies are just pouring millions of bucks in to fool us all so that they can laugh and gulp down their champagne while we foolishly believe their published peer-reviewed research. It's your call.


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Boondock, I beilve your talking about Intercytex results. While they were positive, only 18% of the hairs were bigger than 30nm. "Thin" Hair is around 45 nm, average hair is 60 nm, and asian people (with there thick black hair it pisses me off) can have 120 nm thick hair. A 30 nm hair would be quite small, thinner than what is considered thin. A better estimate of the success of intercytex would be the percentage of hairs 45 nm or larger, which would be the size of cosmetically excepted hairs. Also, no photos are present, so there is really no way to gauge how well this has gone.

(Im usually the optomistic one on HM, but i thought i give the otherside and be pestimistic just for the sake of arguement)

Either way, We are a step closer i suppose(even though i think Dr.gho posted similar results in early 200? somewhere). I still think that intercytex and follica should attempt to fuse their techniques together, although follica hasnt posted any news on the human trails that i thought they started recruiting for in september 08. anyone have news on follica?