A question to Uncomfortable Man


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Yes, it's another thread dedicated to HairLossTalk.com's most controversial (and brilliant!) poster. :)

Ok, here's my question: UM, we all know you're a NW6 and greatly upset by it but why on earth didn't you try finasteride?

You once told me you knew about finasteride but never took it, am I right? Was it because of side effects? If not, well, I don't want to be cruel, but in that case you were negligent and have no one to blame but yourself.

Speaking of negligence, I can't understand those guys who refuse to take finasteride not because of possible side effects (which would be perfectly understandable) but simply because they believe that 'baldness is natural and you shouldn't interfere with nature' :(


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Firstly Finasteride is not the full proof guaranteed cure that you seem to be suggesting it is.
Like Myself Ucman is in his early - mid 30's and could have started going bald up to 15 yrs ago at that time finasteride did exist but nobody knew about it even today very few balding guys are aware of it mainly just the ones who have researched. In my case like many people at the time I did'nt even have the internet to help me do any research.
Back in the 90's there were plenty of rip off snake oil 'cures' finasteride was viewed by many as just another con cashing in on the desperation of balding guys.


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s.a.f said:
Firstly Finasteride is not the full proof guaranteed cure that you seem to be suggesting it is.
Like Myself Ucman is in his early - mid 30's and could have started going bald up to 15 yrs ago at that time finasteride did exist but nobody knew about it even today very few balding guys are aware of it mainly just the ones who have researched. In my case like many people at the time I did'nt even have the internet to help me do any research.
Back in the 90's there were plenty of rip off snake oil 'cures' finasteride was viewed by many as just another con cashing in on the desperation of balding guys.

True. But I didn't have the Internet either and found out about finasteride. I did a careful research, read everything I could on this subject and was probably one of the first men in Portugal to take Proscar for hair loss.

I deserve my hair, I worked hard for it.

I still have the article on Proscar - back then, an experimental hair loss treatment - published on Men's Health magazine.

Anyway, I'm curious to see what UM has to say about this.


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I think UMan lost his hair back when the Internet was a collection of newsgroups and nothing more (but apologies if you're not that old! :laugh: )

He'd have gotten on Finasteride if this board was around back then, most likely.

finasteride is good for maintaining but very rarely regrows anything. I guess he doesn't see much point in maintaining a slick bald dome.


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cuebald said:
I think UMan lost his hair back when the Internet was a collection of newsgroups and nothing more (but apologies if you're not that old! :laugh: )

He'd have gotten on Finasteride if this board was around back then, most likely.

finasteride is good for maintaining but very rarely regrows anything. I guess he doesn't see much point in maintaining a slick bald dome.

UM is obviously a cultivated man and he said once he knew about finasteride, so I wonder why he didn't use it.

The mystery remains unsolved...


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EVEN if it would grow hair id stay away from it, nothing worth risking being an impotent!!! :jackit:
i say it again : id rather be a slick nw10000 then impotent - no questions asked!


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Even though the chances of you being made impotent by finasteride are practicly 0%?


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You want to risk it?! go ahead ... :)
and how do you know its around the 0% ?! although i still wont risk it, even if it was a 1/mil chance.

and dont forget that a HUGE percent lose morning erection and a decrease in the sexual drive...
you know what, ill link you
enjoy your read :)


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Smooth said:
You want to risk it?! go ahead ... :)

I have.
Been on finasteride (and tried dutasteride) for about 5 yrs now and no sides. :)


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You said it yourself, not everyone gets to enjoy the sides... personally, i wont risk it, i heard also about some cases that the patient grow male boobs ..... lets do the math here togather shall we?! .. you get boobs, become impotent and stop hair lose, congrats, your two steps away from becoming a trany... i think ill pass...


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I don't know why you guys don't give full cap wigs a go? I'm sure it would be a bit of a problem now that you late it so late in regards to suddenly appearing in your social group with a full head of hair virtually, but I still think the benefits would outweigh the negatives.

A full cap seems virtually undetectable to me, you don't have to blend it if your sides are thinning or anything and you can do anything with it. Maintenance is a bit of a b**ch, sure, but it doesn't need to be reapplied that frequently, I'm sure if you spent the time you do on the hair instead you'd still come out in front :p

They aren't as expensive really anymore either.
I think it'd be worth a shot, 99% of people wouldn't spot it, if any. And I dunno, I just reckon on the off chance you got caught out if you were very self conscious and embarrassed about it, why not attribute it to you have alopecia universalis or something of the sorts? Even say you get chemo... I dunno, but there is no way people are gonna press the issue with you after that.

It wouldn't be for everyone, but if you were so upset with your hand as it is dealt currently, why not try something outside the square?

William Shattner is a great example of what you can do with a fullcap... The majority of people still don't even believe he wears. It looks very good and so does he imo. Worth a shot in the end

Quantum Cat

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Smooth said:
You want to risk it?! go ahead ... :)
and how do you know its around the 0% ?! although i still wont risk it, even if it was a 1/mil chance.

and dont forget that a HUGE percent lose morning erection and a decrease in the sexual drive...
you know what, ill link you
enjoy your read :)

huge percentage? hardly. The morning wood problem goes when your body adjusts to the finasteride after a week or so

that site you linked to is a running joke. Nobody who matters takes it seriously
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Tyler_Durden said:
I don't know why you guys don't give full cap wigs a go? I'm sure it would be a bit of a problem now that you late it so late in regards to suddenly appearing in your social group with a full head of hair virtually, but I still think the benefits would outweigh the negatives.

Tell you what, you go wear a bloody wig, then recommend it. I'd rather wear a sh*t load of concealers or buzz it.


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I've been on finasteride for years with no sides too.
Those who put on weight and become impotent are just getting fatter and older, and because of no Finasteride, they're getting balder too.


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Leon S Habsburg said:
[quote="Tyler_Durden":1xtsqls2]I don't know why you guys don't give full cap wigs a go? I'm sure it would be a bit of a problem now that you late it so late in regards to suddenly appearing in your social group with a full head of hair virtually, but I still think the benefits would outweigh the negatives.

Tell you what, you go wear a bloody wig, then recommend it. I'd rather wear a sh*t load of concealers or buzz it.[/quote:1xtsqls2]

Where did I ever recommend it?

And yeah I'll just buzz mine as well when it comes to it, infact I already do. But some guys around here clearly aren't okay with it which is why I asked the question of trying it.


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Smooth said:
You want to risk it?! go ahead ... :)
and how do you know its around the 0% ?! although i still wont risk it, even if it was a 1/mil chance.[...]

I've been taking finasteride everyday for the last 13 years and there were no side effects, so I have good reasons to believe the drug is safe. AND I also believe that the role of testosterone is overrated when it comes to sexual function: TRT is not always effective and many men with low testosterone levels have perfectly normal sex lives.

I do take those negative testimonials seriously, though. Everyone is different and reactions to these drugs vary greatly. I once tried a popular natural supplement that almost killed me.


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Finasteride may have sexual side effects but it's a child's play compared to other popular drugs - e.g. most antidepressants are much, much worse.


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barcafan said:
haha, worst logic ever

I wasn't trying to defend finasteride, I was just stating a fact: most antidepressants have drastic sexual side effects, much worse than Propecia, and nobody demonizes these drugs or create Internet forums against them.