A Source of Inspiration


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Over the last several days I have been reading through the forums on this website and noticed the vast number of forlorn souls who seem to have given up on life altogether. Hair loss has ripped their hopes away and they struggle to face the world without being wracked by feelings of defeat. It makes for some damn grim reading. Granted, there are many on here who are gallantly battling through the struggle, and thriving. But this thread is for the “down and out”, the ones who see no light at the end of the tunnel and are in desperate need of a fierce whack of inspiration.

Wherever you go in the world, whatever region you venture to, whichever culture you mingle with, you will be hard pressed to find anyone who has never heard the name Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Texas Rattlesnake, the Bionic Redneck, the fearless, foul-mouthed, beer-drinking, badass bullet-proof son of a b**ch who not only dominated the wrestling world but became a cultural phenomenon.

Even people who never imagined they would ever watch wrestling found themselves tuning in on a Monday night to see what the BMF would do next. No other wrestler, past or present, has ever even come close to attaining half as much in merchandise sales as he has, or paralleling his unmatchable level of immortal popularity. He ushered in the Attitude era and made wrestling mainstream, for a while. He is inarguably the most popular superstar of any generation. When his entrance music hit, when that glass broke, every fan in those arenas were whooped into an insatiable frenzy the likes of which were never seen before, have never been seen since, or may ever be seen again.

And, of course, he had a hairless head. But did he let this stop him from conquering the world? Hell no! He used it to his advantage. Austin had been in the wrestling business for 11 years before he got his big break. For most of those years he sported long locks of blonde hair. He was told by one wrestling promoter that he would never get anywhere because he was too bland and boring. He worked as hard as anyone but was constantly short changed and put to the side. He was (to use wrestling terminology) a “jobber,” meaning his only role was to make other wrestlers look better.

Austin’s hair had been gradually receding through the years--and one day, on his way to the arena, he decided to shave his head. That was the beginning of his success. He at last became who he was born to be, and the audience took to him instantly. Within a year he became the heavyweight champion. I'm not proclaiming that shaving his head is what gained him the fame and fortune--I’m saying that Austin overcame hair loss, and so can you. It was his character that people were drawn to, his attitude, his words, his style, his confidence, his fearlessness, his willingness to stand up to authority; but most of all, they admired the fact that he was unapologetically himself. He is respected, revered, and rightfully so--a legend, a folk hero, an inspiration to millions.

Austin had long blonde hair in the early part of his career, struggling to achieve even mid-card status.

Here he is as "the Ringmaster," shortly before he shaved his head and discovered who and what he was.
Steve Austin as RingMaster.jpg

In his own words: "I could see the look I had wasn't a winner--so on my way to the arena one night I decided to go ahead and shave my head." And the legend that is Stone Cold Steve Austin was born.


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Sry, but this doesnt help (me) at all. Steve Austin is badass, yes. But you can't compare a pro wrestler with a normal guy. A wrestler has to look mean and frightening and the bald look helps with that. If you are tall and muscular and want to become an actionstar/wrestler the bald look can help you with that, for a normal guy in normal life it just wont.


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My Regimen
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Sry, but this doesnt help (me) at all. Steve Austin is badass, yes. But you can't compare a pro wrestler with a normal guy. A wrestler has to look mean and frightening and the bald look helps with that. If you are tall and muscular and want to become an actionstar/wrestler the bald look can help you with that, for a normal guy in normal life it just wont.
become muscular then there is nothing stopping you


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Steve Austin is badass, yes. But you can't compare a pro wrestler with a normal guy. A wrestler has to look mean and frightening and the bald look helps with that. If you are tall and muscular and want to become an actionstar/wrestler the bald look can help you with that, for a normal guy in normal life it just wont.

It was his persona, not his physique that made him a star. He was in much better physical condition in the decade or so before he became successful, and even when he did find fame he was still considered to be one of the smaller guys by the standards of the day. The muscles were only part of it; it was his attitude that really appealed to the people.


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Stone Cold is one of those very few guys that actually looks better without hair.


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Disagree. People say the rock and Vin diesel looks better bald when shown photo shopped pics of them with NW4s or below. Imagine Austin Vin diesel or the rock with NW1....they would look better. The above pic was Austin with a severely receding hairline rocking long hair which not even Brad Pitt can pull off. On that note, yes hair is always better but muscles and facial hair as well as a tan can make up for it. Being an mma fighter? During local shows I see alot of bald mma fighters with hot gfs

Cincinnati Kid

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Since none of us on here are making it professionally as wrestlers, action stars, bodybuilders, UFC fighters, et cetera, I would say that we need our hair a lot more than those guys do. Yes, many of these guys look better bald because of their massive builds, and the chrome dome only adds to their tough guy persona. Tough guys don't have perfectly coiffed hair...they'd get laughed at if they did. Stone Cold looks 50X better/tougher with the bald head. One of the few guys that did have a full head of hair, Triple H, recently decided to shave it, which actually suits him better. You think Zac Efron, Harry Styles, or any of these other new age pretty boys that my sister has posters of on her wall would be on posters if they didn't have all that perfectly styled hair? NOPE! Girls, as much as they don't want to admit it, are just as shallow as everyone else...particularly the teens and twentysomethings that are currently in the dating pool. "No fatties, no baldies" is pretty much the first two requirements on the list. Since I don't have the time to dedicate my entire life to bodybuilding or professional wrestling, I'd rather try to save the hair I do have. I mean, I lift and keep in shape, but I'm not exactly gonna be on the cover of "Muscle & Fitness" anytime soon, so I gotta protect my hair assets at all costs.


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I always thought that most of these fighters would look better with their head bald or shaved until I looked at Brock lesnar.

Cincinnati Kid

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I always thought that most of these fighters would look better with their head bald or shaved until I looked at Brock lesnar.
Brock Lesnar is just an ugly dude...with or without hair on his head. You can put lipstick on a pig, but the pig is still a pig.