I believe in sharing best practice and have recently figured something out that works wonders.
For all of those using concealers on their crown with moderate hair loss (i.e not slick bald) I have found that if you apply minoxidil foam (I use rogaine) after applying your concealers and let it dry, it looks a lot more natural. I have found that sometimes under a certain type of light it is evident that concealers are present and doing this makes it a lot less noticeable.
I have stressed this before but want to emphasise that concealers are best used to increase density by around 40%. If you try anything more it will just look chalky and unnatural.
I would also recommend that you do the following if using concealer to complete the look;
I will apply a light touch of concealer all over my hair, even in the areas where I am not losing hair. I will then use a small amount of foam and treat it like I would hair gel, applying all over my hair. I make sure that the foam doesnt touch the scalp of the areas that isn't affected by MPD. Once dry, I have found that doing these two things will increase the consistency of the look and make it hard to distinguish between areas that the concealer is and isnt covering up.
Im happy to post pictures if there is demand.
For all of those using concealers on their crown with moderate hair loss (i.e not slick bald) I have found that if you apply minoxidil foam (I use rogaine) after applying your concealers and let it dry, it looks a lot more natural. I have found that sometimes under a certain type of light it is evident that concealers are present and doing this makes it a lot less noticeable.
I have stressed this before but want to emphasise that concealers are best used to increase density by around 40%. If you try anything more it will just look chalky and unnatural.
I would also recommend that you do the following if using concealer to complete the look;
I will apply a light touch of concealer all over my hair, even in the areas where I am not losing hair. I will then use a small amount of foam and treat it like I would hair gel, applying all over my hair. I make sure that the foam doesnt touch the scalp of the areas that isn't affected by MPD. Once dry, I have found that doing these two things will increase the consistency of the look and make it hard to distinguish between areas that the concealer is and isnt covering up.
Im happy to post pictures if there is demand.