A Treatment Without Finasteride Or Dutasteride?


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Hi everyone,
So basically finasteride has fucked me up with gyno.Gyno itself wasnt a problem for me,it was that horrible chest pain that comes with it.I mean I could handle the pain but it got to a point where I actually couldnt breathe so I had to stop.Now,since I am not able to use finasteride anymore i had to come up with a new plan,new regime,is this good enough;-Minoxidil once a day(2.5ml)+ 1,5mm dermapen every sunday,after 3 months 1.5mm every sunday and 1mm every thursday
-Rosemary+coconut oil before using nizoral(around 2 hours on my scalp)
-cycling shampoos;Day 1(Revivogen shampoo),day 2(alpecin coffein shampoo),day 3(nizoral)
-neem leaf extract pills,BioGaia Osfortis(ATCC PTA 6475),Omega 3 and some basic hair vitamins,and maybe saw palmetto?
-great diet,cold showers(and hair around 20 minutes in cold water daily),head
Is this good enough,should I add something else?


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Its topical right?Well that does not sound good since I wont be able to use It twice a day and Im already using minoxidil in the evening...

Yes its topical. Something like oh-flut should take priority above everything else. Honestly minoxidil will only cause you trouble down the road - wouldn't bother with it. If you need to apply multiple topicals just space them out by an hour or two in the evening.


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Sulforaphane. IT WORKS. It just takes real focus to continue.


Sulforaphane (SFN) increases the expression of DHT degrading enzymes, such as 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (3α-HSDs), and, therefore, SFN treatment may improve Androgenetic Alopecia.
Sulforaphane degrades DHT in the prostate over time. Sulforaphane builds up with time, sort og like finasteride. But you are not killing yourself unnaturally because the stuff is genuinely amazing and good as f*** for you. It also gets hair follicles into the anagen phase.

It stopped my shedding and re-grew my hair noticeably after just one day of using it. Meaning two days to see results.

Problem is, I consumed broccoli spouts with a sh*t load of mustard powder. Which means, I consumed a f***-LOAD of sulforaphane. I had a full-time job but could not go to sleep for several straight days after just 100g once. Insomnia was a huge reason of sulphoraphane drop-outs in a child study. Which makes sense because it will affect children a lot being they are small. Rarely have I seen adult studies report drop-outs due to insomnia. Meaning I got ~500 mg of the stuff in my blood. At 100g of broccoli sprouts with a myrosinase source(mustard powder.

I was mentally sharp while having a ton of sulfoaphane in my body. My mood was amazing. I felt amazing. But I genuinely need sleep. Sleep deprivation kills my awareness/intelligence and it can lead to permanent brain damage. But the fact that I was more intelligent while not sleeping tells you how powerful this chemical is.

I bought one pound of broccoli seeds which gives my months of sprouts though. I am determined to mitigate side effects.

The first few sentences and link in this post tells you the mechanism. This is how you extract it:

I did what she did. It is simple enough.

This is how healthy/beneficial it is:


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Yes its topical. Something like oh-flut should take priority above everything else. Honestly minoxidil will only cause you trouble down the road - wouldn't bother with it. If you need to apply multiple topicals just space them out by an hour or two in the evening.
But the problem is that I will lose everything I gained with minoxidil,It could be fucked up...


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Sulforaphane. IT WORKS. It just takes real focus to continue.


Sulfonamides degrades DHT in the prostate over time. Sulforaphane builds up with time, sort og like finasteride. But you are not killing yourself unnaturally because the stuff is genuinely amazing and good as f*** for you. It also gets hair follicles into the anagen phase.

It stopped my shedding and re-grew my hair noticeably after just one day of using it. Meaning two days to see results.

Problem is, I consumed broccoli spouts with a sh*t load of mustard powder. Which means, I consumed a f***-LOAD of sulforaphane. I had a full-time job but could not go to sleep for several straight days after just 100g once. Insomnia was a huge reason of sulphoraphane drop-outs in a child study. Which makes sense because it will affect children a lot being they are small. Rarely have I seen adult studies report drop-outs due to insomnia. Meaning I got ~500 mg of the stuff in my blood. At 100g of broccoli sprouts with a myrosinase source(mustard powder.

I was mentally sharp while having a ton of sulfoaphane in my body. My mood was amazing. I felt amazing. But I genuinely need sleep. Sleep deprivation kills my awareness/intelligence and it can lead to permanent brain damage. But the fact that I was more intelligent while not sleeping tells you how powerful this chemical is.

I bought one pound of broccoli seeds which gives my months of sprouts though. I am determined to mitigate side effects.

The first few sentences and link in this post tells you the mechanism. This is how you extract it:

I did what she did. It is simple enough.

This is how healthy/beneficial it is:
No evidence,no pictures,im not doing that.


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You gain nothing,I waste my money.
Nigga, your money is sh*t compared to your hair. You can steal, earn, triple, qualdruple money. You cant do that sh*t with hair.

You are not in a bargaining position. You are balding man with tits. Take my good advice, go to the local whole foods/spouts market/whateverthefuck, get some broccoli sprouts that come in 80-100 g containers. Itll cost 3-5 bucks. Then mustard seed for sulforphane absorption.

Then follow foundmyfitness directions.

It isnt even just my word. There are studies. That I linked no less.

But I guess if I told you to get sh*t, smear it in you scalp every night and got some pics from tressless on reddit, your night time routine would look like two girls one cup.

Take the suggestion, or dont but at least try and be logical.


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Nigga, your money is sh*t compared to your hair. You can steal, earn, triple, qualdruple money. You cant do that sh*t with hair.

You are not in a bargaining position. You are balding man with tits. Take my good advice, go to the local whole foods/spouts market/whateverthefuck, get some broccoli sprouts that come in 80-100 g containers. Itll cost 3-5 bucks. Then mustard seed for sulforphane absorption.

Then follow foundmyfitness directions.

It isnt even just my word. There are studies. That I linked no less.

But I guess if I told you to get sh*t, smear it in you scalp every night and got some pics from tressless on reddit, your night time routine would look like two girls one cup.

Take the suggestion, or dont but at least try and be logical.

That stuff you linked would do nothing. I can link a ton of studies demonstrating natural compounds that have an effect in vitro/vivo but do not reflect the same in humans. Theory vs practical is everything.

Your results were placebo - even if you were injecting estrogen and castrated yourself you wouldn't grow hair in a day. In fact if you shaved your head you wouldn't even grow hair in a day.


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But the problem is that I will lose everything I gained with minoxidil,It could be fucked up...

Stack your topicals before bed, or get minoxidil powder and mix it with a topical AA assuming the solubility allows for it.


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That stuff you linked would do nothing. I can link a ton of studies demonstrating natural compounds that have an effect in vitro/vivo but do not reflect the same in humans. Theory vs practical is everything.

Your results were placebo - even if you were injecting estrogen and castrated yourself you wouldn't grow hair in a day. In fact if you shaved your head you wouldn't even grow hair in a day.
I stopped shedding in a day Doctor. MR. phd in advanced conjecture and abstract horseshit.

Literally coming back to say I HAVE GAINED AGAIN by eating 80g of Broccoli sprouts. Steamed for 10 mins. And I am not going back. It feels like bad jojo to bump this but I have not been shedding at all the past week after starting again. And I am gaining

I am getting the 10mg/kg of sulforaphane the mice study had. All human studies are far lower.

The only reason I am bumping to help someone who was as desperate as me because finasteride stopped working almost certainly due to increased androgens from my body reacting to the drug(yes this is a real phenomena and has been studied), cannot find the link to the study from perfecthairhealth.

So yeah. Sulforphane(Steamed sprouts) works. It has been studied. It is working on me. Will be my anti-androgen/DHT agent(it downregulates androgens as well), and I will start microneedling again, and I will scalp massage.

Dunno when I will post again.


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I stopped shedding in a day Doctor. MR. phd in advanced conjecture and abstract horseshit.

Literally coming back to say I HAVE GAINED AGAIN by eating 80g of Broccoli sprouts. Steamed for 10 mins. And I am not going back. It feels like bad jojo to bump this but I have not been shedding at all the past week after starting again. And I am gaining

I am getting the 10mg/kg of sulforaphane the mice study had. All human studies are far lower.

The only reason I am bumping to help someone who was as desperate as me because finasteride stopped working almost certainly due to increased androgens from my body reacting to the drug(yes this is a real phenomena and has been studied), cannot find the link to the study from perfecthairhealth.

So yeah. Sulforphane(Steamed sprouts) works. It has been studied. It is working on me. Will be my anti-androgen/DHT agent(it downregulates androgens as well), and I will start microneedling again, and I will scalp massage.

Dunno when I will post again.


If you have completely stopped shedding then you’ll also be regrowing as well . You post a before and after when you notice a difference.


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yea, brother, you and i.
finasteride gave me lipomastia, rubber dick, libido drop, lethargy and depression, i had to get off of it. luckily after dht regulated back, the stored fat in breast area subsided and went back to normal, however i still shed and im nearly thin enough that you can see my scalp hair.

im thinking about starting minoxidil as well, even tho it doesnt prevent hair loss it just enhances hair growth, so sooner or later u will lose ur hair even in monix, but at least it will give us some time.

trying to figure out now, what brand and in what form to buy - liquid/foam, kirkland or something else.

also forget about nofap, cold showers and other bull crap, its irrelevant. better check ur vitamin d levels if anything, that has tremendous impact on hair quality and hair growth.


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So if you eat broccoli anyway, put some brown mustard on it w/wo brown mustard seeds. That’s what I started doing & broccoli tastes better.