Worries me that I'm shedding so much so soon. Thanks!
N nachos Established Member My Regimen Reaction score 32 Jul 1, 2021 #1 Worries me that I'm shedding so much so soon. Thanks!
Diffused_confidence Senior Member My Regimen Reaction score 647 Jul 10, 2021 #2 I shed early too. Hairline went from OK to sh*t in 2 months. Worried I'm a non responder because I'm not getting new hairs.
I shed early too. Hairline went from OK to sh*t in 2 months. Worried I'm a non responder because I'm not getting new hairs.
L LookingForSomeAdvise New Member My Regimen Reaction score 0 Jul 14, 2021 #3 Guys shedding is a good sign you are responding otherwise there would not be that much shedding. Gets rid of the weak hair to regrow new hair. Make an appointment with a dermatologist to be 100% sure tough
Guys shedding is a good sign you are responding otherwise there would not be that much shedding. Gets rid of the weak hair to regrow new hair. Make an appointment with a dermatologist to be 100% sure tough