a word about women


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Can you really trust them, or are they all manipulative, heartless, spiteful human beings?


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In defense to women, basically its human nature to be manipulative, heartless, and spiteful. Its called survival. Most corporations are manipulative, heartless and spiteful. Its a defense mechanism anyone is capable of showing. Those who reserve their right to use this defense mechanism are the type of people worth keeping in your company. You just are not meeting the right women and thinking just because a few are like that, then it must mean all are like that. If anything women are more like leeches, they depend on men. In order to have a baby, they need our sperm. And then after that, they need our money to help support that baby. If you want to call that manipulative then I guess you can.


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Can you really trust them, or are they all manipulative, heartless, spiteful human beings?

I think you will find that goes for male and female, just try not to generalise......................there are lots of nasty flesh bags walking around. :)


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Aplunk1 said:
Can you really trust them, or are they all manipulative, heartless, spiteful human beings?
Without getting too philosophical about that, i learned the hard way that you MUST separate all emotions when it comes to women and keep your expectations low (very very very very very very very very very very very very low)... let her get emo over you FIRST (thats a golden rule you never break) and just treat them as tools in a game.. when the right b**ch will come y'll know...till then - take it easy.


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Smooth said:
Aplunk1 said:
Can you really trust them, or are they all manipulative, heartless, spiteful human beings?
Without getting too philosophical about that, i learned the hard way that you MUST separate all emotions when it comes to women and keep your expectations low (very very very very very very very very very very very very low)... let her get emo over you FIRST (thats a golden rule you never break) and just treat them as tools in a game.. when the right b**ch will come y'll know...till then - take it easy.

Smooth, thats an awful way to talk about women and a terrible attitude. You stopped posting for a while before, why don't you disappear again.


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Nene said:
Smooth, thats an awful way to talk about women and a terrible attitude. You stopped posting for a while before, why don't you disappear again.

Thanks...i love u 2.. :dunno:


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Smooth said:
Aplunk1 said:
Can you really trust them, or are they all manipulative, heartless, spiteful human beings?
Without getting too philosophical about that, i learned the hard way that you MUST separate all emotions when it comes to women and keep your expectations low (very very very very very very very very very very very very low)... let her get emo over you FIRST (thats a golden rule you never break) and just treat them as tools in a game.. when the right b**ch will come y'll know...till then - take it easy.

Life is a b**ch but we all need one! :punk:


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i just told a girl that ive known for over a year how i felt for her and she told me she loved me =D!

you guys are just running into the wrong girls. seriously. this girls called julia and she's the sweetest thing i've ever encountered in my life. lucky me! ha!

Seriously though, don't generalise. Not all woman are equal. Each one has their own personality, their little traits, likes/dislikes, attitude etc. I'm so glad i have the girl of my dreams cause that's honestly what she is. =D


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What are you? 12?


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Without going into details, I will say that I was the male victim of an unforgiveable, life-changing act. I think there's only one poster I've told this to.

The sh*t women come up with to justify their insecurities... reprehensible, horrible, so many of them.


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Fender89 said:
21, a very lucky 21 year old ;)
Ok let me tell you this, if that female* would hurt* you, you will recognize the force of the "real life train" that takes you (mentally speaking) from 12 to 21 in a split of a sec!.. and trust me, thats no luna-park ride...

*=edit so i wont hurt your sisies feelings... :jackit:


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Every relationship I think is 50/50 but before jumping into one you have to know the person... I am in the military you should know the stories when people go on deployment...lol and it is disgusting on both sides of the camp. I think integrity/trust is just rare nowadays.


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Smooth said:
Without getting too philosophical about that, i learned the hard way that you MUST separate all emotions when it comes to women and keep your expectations low (very very very very very very very very very very very very low)... let her get emo over you FIRST (thats a golden rule you never break) and just treat them as tools in a game.. when the right b**ch will come y'll know...till then - take it easy.

I'm assuming you're single?


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Axl_Rose said:
I'm assuming you're single?

lol define "single" .... :)
lets put it this way, i dont have problems getting what i need, the problem is getting what i want.


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Smooth said:
lol define "single" .... :)

Main Entry: 1sin·gle
Pronunciation: \?si?-g?l\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English sengle, from Anglo-French, from Latin singulus one only; akin to Latin sem- one — more at same
Date: 14th century

1 a : not married b : of or relating to celibacy
2 : unaccompanied by others : lone, sole <the single survivor of the disaster>
3 a (1) : consisting of or having only one part, feature, or portion <single consonants> (2) : consisting of one as opposed to or in contrast with many : uniform <a single standard for men and women> (3) : consisting of only one in number <holds to a single ideal> b : having but one whorl of petals or ray flowers <a single rose>
4 a : consisting of a separate unique whole : individual <every single citizen> b : of, relating to, or involving only one person
5 a : frank, honest <a single devotion> b : exclusively attentive <an eye single to the truth>
6 : unbroken, undivided
7 : having no equal or like : singular
8 : designed for the use of one person only <a single room> <a single bed>

Smooth said:
lets put it this way, i dont have problems getting what i need, the problem is getting what i want.
Yeah? You little He-wh*** you.


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When every woman that you have encountered in life is a manipulative,sick and selfish creature who just uses you, disappoints you and victimizes you,then you will slowly begin to believe that its not worth it treating women like frickin goddesses.If the right one does come along then you can take real good care of her and certainly she would believe in a give & take relationship unlike other women who dont.

In a way I think smooth is right,it is safer and wiser to expect less as you could be in for a real pleasant surprise in the end.


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she won't smooth =P and even if she does later on down the line, well i may aswell just go for it anyway. you only have one life. Gotta risk things sometimes.


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If you have found the right girl,then good for you pal.You are lucky to have found someone like that at just 21. :)