A word of caution on H&S


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Just read an article about the anylsis of some shampoos against flaking.
Here is the babelfish translation:

Many anti-shed shampoos do not work Frankfurt/Main (dpa/gms) - anti-shed shampoos help often only little against the annoying Rieseln. Some worsen the condition of the scalp even still and provide for a vermehrung of the sheds, warn the magazine "Oeko Test" appearing in Frankfurt;. Everyone has naturally beautiful hair. © Lancôme/dpa/gms on behalf of the magazine had been examined altogether 25 anti-shed shampoos. Two preparations were gut" as "sehr; evaluated, eight as "gut". Six products landed in the centre zone, nine fell as "ungenuegend" through. Among other things particularly in the shampoos of well-known marks formaldehyde was found. The material is considered as possible cancer trips, can provoke the mucous membranes and release allergies. In five products Laurylsulfate so mentioned was used as Schaeumer. These can provoke the scalp still more strongly and provide for a sumptuous vermehrung of the sheds. According to "Oeko Test" particularly humans with dry scalp should do best completely without anti-shed shampoos. The this dry scalp sometimes still additionally out. Instead a mild shampoo for normal hair can be used. In addition should be done without to hot water when hair washing and hot hair dryers thereafter.


Straight well-known marks such as Head & Shoulders anti-shed shampoo Classic Clean and Dercap Technique anti-shed shampoo from the pharmacy contain precarious formaldehyde more abspalter. Just as four further products. These are usually used as preservatives. Formaldehyde is however a cancer suspect material, which can provoke the mucous membranes in small quantities and release allergies.
