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Re: Racial Considerations

ajl1984 said:
Hello fellow male pattern baldness people and the like,

I have been researching via. this forum for years now, and recently have started to become an active participant as I feel my hair transplant will occur within three months. I have tried the big 3 to no avail.

Although born in America, I am of Asian descent. Although I live in Southern California, a very diverse area demographically, it seems as though male pattern baldness is relatively uncommon in Asians (this is based purely off of what I see, and of course, my judgements consider the fact that the Asian population is still significantly lower than that of causasians).

What I have read is that Asians typically scar easier than other races. I'm considering only an FUE, as I really like short hair. In fact, if possible, I would rather have a buzzed head even after the procedure. I have had a #1 cut for most of my life as I like the look and convenience (i play lots of sports and shower at least twice a day).I hated styling my hair even when I had a full set, because I am somewhat of a perfectionist and couldn't stand my hair being "out of place." Also, my hair is nappy and curly.

Should I consider the doctors' clients as a factor for choosing a surgeon? Since Asians typically have more single graft hairs, as opposed to double and triple (which is more prevalent in other races), could this affect the quality of the procedure? I have been told to stick with the reputable American/Canadian doctors for the most part through my research. But, I have also heard people stating that I should go to a doctor who constantly deals with Asians. Any thoughts?

if your going to keep it short, I'd do a mix of transplants and tatto.