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Well im a longtime reader first time poster. It was actually this site that convinced me that i should pursue treatment. Anyway, i decided to go on Propecia in early June and nizoral 1% shampoo in early august. Honestly, when i started treatment everybody including my fiance at the time thought i was nuts. Nobody around me thought i had a problem and to be perfectly honest i wasnt sure if I had one myself. I had some snails pace recession and i thought with my above regiment i would be able to keep the demon at bay. I thought i had caught it in time or maybe even jumping the gun in terms of treatment. What i wanted was preventive maintenance, nothing more nothing less. I'd say i was at about a norwood 1.5 when i started treatment possibly not even that. Id say my left side was a norwood 1 and right was probably a 1.5 I was thinking i would only increase my chances of maintenance by starting early. Anyway skipping ahead, everything was good for 4 maybe 5 months. Im really not sure when things started going downhill. My shedding seemed to begin in early or mid november. I didnt really think anything of it at first but then i began to notice some thinning on my left side which up until then had been my strong side. Shedding continues, head is itchy but still only noticing hairloss in the shower and a few hairs here a there when styling it before work. Couple hairs when combing big deal right???? Alright, now here i am after two months of shedding on treatment none the less and im feeling as if ive lost a lot of ground. All of my problems are in the front and ive done nothing but lose a lot of ground. This shed has cosmetically altered my hairline. Im feeling pissed and depressed at the sametime. Im really not sure what to think??? MY strongside is now diffuse and limp almost as if some has cut a notch in my hairline. I used to be able to have a nice even spike in the front. Even stranger it seems as if this shed hasnt affect my right side which was the weakside. Its odd looking, God Damn It!!!!!!! Im really confused.... What have i been doing all this time? Throwing money down the drain... SHould i be worried?? Is this normal?? I know sheds are part of treatment but this is just insane. I was going for mainentance but now im below baseline and its gone downhill fast. Very scary.. Ive always been a pretty confident guy and i can free that confidence slipping away strand by strand. Im asking for some advice or encouragement from a few of the veterans in this forum. Maybe some input as to what i should do.. Thing that really gets going is the fact that i thought i had caught this thing in time.. :freaked2:


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Moto this is what scares me. I noticed my hair was thinning, i'm 37 so I expected this. I still have a decent head of hair and want only to keep it. Ye some extra would be nice but maintaining is my main goal. I decided to start taking fincar 1.25mg in late Oct, by December I'd stopped as my shedding was worse. This shedding continued over xmas so much so that I jumped back on the fincar thinking it was natural but heavy shed cycle. I have my doughts now. I've been on fincar now for 3 weeks and the sheddings still there if not worse and my scalp is deffinately itchier. I've decided to cut the fincar down to .5mg just incase i'm sensitive to it and add some saw palmetto. From what I've read on these boards most recommend a year before any noticable difference. The thing is the way my sheddings going I'll be noticably balder in 6 months. I know paranoia plays a hugh part. God knows I've got it now. Every man i see the first thing i do is check out his hair. Everytime i scatch my head i look for hair. The more i read the worse i get. Some of the horror stories(bit like yours)are making me think about stopping the fincar and just go with nature. I know I'll go thin eventually I just don't want fincar to exellerate this or is this impossible???


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I really empathise with you mate but if you Read the topic "cany ANYONE give me hope?"

You'll see you're not alone...there are now a number of us who have had accelerated recession because of finasteride 5 months after 'treatment' starts. Angering and depressing.


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To be honest i am a little suspicious with all those "horror" stories. Throughout the trials of minoxidil and propecia there was not a single one patient that reported INCREASED hair loss. You may not respond but it is really unlikely you are losing your hair because of these drugs. Monitoring your hair changes over time might be very hard and it is really depended on your mood. All these months on this forums i have read countless stories about hair being destroyed by treatments but i have not seen 1 single story with pics to prove their saying. I know that not everyone is taking pics when starting treatments but many do, so with so many "horror" stories there should be at least 1 with pics.


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think about it this way, of the 17% of "non-responders" in the trials how many do you think may have had terrible reactions? Probably quite a few but of course we can't prove that this is due to the drugs themselves because it may just be "nature running it's course" and the drug companies can simply suggest that this would have happened to these people anyway had they not been on the drugs.


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sphlanx2006 said:
To be honest i am a little suspicious with all those "horror" stories. Throughout the trials of minoxidil and propecia there was not a single one patient that reported INCREASED hair loss. You may not respond but it is really unlikely you are losing your hair because of these drugs. Monitoring your hair changes over time might be very hard and it is really depended on your mood. All these months on this forums i have read countless stories about hair being destroyed by treatments but i have not seen 1 single story with pics to prove their saying. I know that not everyone is taking pics when starting treatments but many do, so with so many "horror" stories there should be at least 1 with pics.

in two weeks rogaine foam made me shed a ton, but they do make it known that shedding can happen at the start.

nearly 2 months into finasteride, i have lost ground but i was losing ground anyways. although, my bald areas (temples) are covered in peach fuzz looking hairs that were NOT there before. so i'm responding, and some response is better than none.


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My who issue is the fact that im worse than baseline now. And the hairloss on my right side which was the strong side doesnt even look like natural loss. Believe me when i go to work i look at the hair of many balding men and they dont have anything that looks like this.. I dont know is it a shed?? Should i be worried??? To me it seems like my hairline is very asymetrical. There is actually a line splitting the two halfs. Thick hair on one side thin on the other... Any ideas, besides the fact that it happened so fast i couldnt be natural at least i dont think soo.. My moms side of the family has great hair. My dad has male pattern baldness but his brother doesnt. So my hairloss genes arent completely bad. Not really looking for sympathy im looking for a possible explanation and if anyone has recovered from a similiar experice. Mind you im 24, i talked to my dad and he states that he didnt start noticing considerable loss until hes was in his thirties. Also could this happen do to stress. Ive had a lot of stress in my life over recent months and that when my hair went downhill.


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hey man,
did you read the other topic that I mentioned? Does this sound simiilar to what I and others have experienced?

I lost a ton of hair in a tiny period to the extent where my family couldn't believe it when I went back home for the 1st time after living outr of home for two months. This sort of sh*t is just not natural


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Yeah, I'm on my 4th month of propecia and my hair is falling out at scary rate. Definately faster than before I started taking it.


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I started taking Propecia in 2002, and took pics of my first 6 months. I saw hairline regrowth in month 4, major regrowth in month 5. You have to give this stuff at least 6 months, maybe 8-9, to really have gone through a few hair regrowth cycles.... right? If hair only grows so much, then where you have no hair, or fine hair, you are starting from scratch. So it seems to me that nothing will happen for a month or two for most folks, and some folks sometimes see rapid regrowth but that's IMO because their hair grows faster than normal.