About To Start *banned Practice* To Increase minoxidil Absorption


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So for about a year I've been using minoxidil 5% 1 to 2 times a day. I don't think it has had any positive results, but who knows maybe its helped me slow down the loss at the crown.

I am about to start using a 3mm thing that we are not allowed mentioning to increase absorption of minoxidil. I will give updates to whether it makes any difference.

I am sure there are a bunch of you out there who have not had success with minoxidil and have considered whether adding ******* would make it more effective.



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You mean derma rolling /derma pen? Why the f*** wouldnt be allowed to talk about this? It's a common practice.


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So for about a year I've been using minoxidil 5% 1 to 2 times a day. I don't think it has had any positive results, but who knows maybe its helped me slow down the loss at the crown.

I am about to start using a 3mm thing that we are not allowed mentioning to increase absorption of minoxidil. I will give updates to whether it makes any difference.

I am sure there are a bunch of you out there who have not had success with minoxidil and have considered whether adding ******* would make it more effective.


3mm? damn... you's a BAD MAN!!!


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So for about a year I've been using minoxidil 5% 1 to 2 times a day. I don't think it has had any positive results, but who knows maybe its helped me slow down the loss at the crown.

I am about to start using a 3mm thing that we are not allowed mentioning to increase absorption of minoxidil. I will give updates to whether it makes any difference.

I am sure there are a bunch of you out there who have not had success with minoxidil and have considered whether adding ******* would make it more effective.

Why don't you just start using Retin A with minoxidil


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My bad, I meant to write 0.3mm. I am not really interested in wounding, just want to increase absorption. I believe once you get to .5mm you can use daily as you are now wounding the scalp.


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Why is derma-rolling not to be mentioned? I use a combination of 0.3-0.5mm whenever I feel that my scalp can handle it.
If it doesn't cause irritation, and the practice comes with hardly any on-going costs, it is worth continuing. I use dermarolling on my face as well for occasional exfoliation.


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They Mods may have changed the policy but I believe we weren't allowed to discuss it because there is some risk of people hurting themselves with wounding.

I can't say Ive noticed a difference yet, but I do feel that the dermaroller is helping with absorption.

Hangin'on Hair

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They Mods may have changed the policy but I believe we weren't allowed to discuss it because there is some risk of people hurting themselves with wounding.

I can't say Ive noticed a difference yet, but I do feel that the dermaroller is helping with absorption.

That would be a kind of silly reason. We're allowed to discuss taking drugs that mess with your hormones. I see no problem in a few small pin pricks.


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Agreed, the damage done by taking those male-to-female transgender drugs is much greater than the risk of an infection in your scalp.


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i wouldnt suggest rolling then applying minoxidil, u wouldn't want it to go systemically. id roll once a week and wait 24 hrs to apply the min. i think if u won't respond to min topically, i dont think rolling and applying will do any better imo


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If there is bleeding its because you are doing it wrong. When I cut my finger it stops bleeding after 2-3 mins so what I do is usually derma roll and then wait 5-10 mins and apply minoxidil. Its been one month now and I think I see miniaturized hair on my forehead that weren't there before but there has hasn't been anything significant. Mind you I didn't expect it too make any dramatic changes.