About when...


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About when should I stop noticing these shorter hairs that get finer at the base stop falling out if Propecia is ACTUALLY working? Just like, a timeframe perhaps, if anybody knows. It's coming up on 5 months, and I'm still noticing quite a few of these hairs that are coarse at the top, and fine at the bottom falling out. Kinda worrying, I figured that by now they'd stop falling out.

On the plus side, I'm still happier with my hair than I was going into this :p


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Hey Deaner,
I think I have to agree with Cassin, who said it's really hard to tell whether hair is thickening or shrinking without a microscope and a medical degree (those are not his exact words, but still...)
The point is, I can pull hairs from the back of my head, where I'm not balding at all, and I can find hairs that appear to be shrinking. With that said, I don't believe I'm headed for Norwood 11. Don't put too much stock into what the hairs that fall out look like; paying attention to the hair on your head is much more informative.
As for finasteride results, I think that somewhere between month 10-12, you'll see maximum results, and those results will sort of plateau, sometimes improving a bit, into year 2.
That means you really have at least 6 months to see some great improvement, so stick with it.

Additionally, I should say that finasteride didn't help me much up front, but rather it seemed help a lot with the vertex area, which was just starting to thin.
I sure wish these treatments worked better up front, especially temples.


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Hmm, I don't need my temples back ALL The way, maybe a centimeter, at MAX two is all I'd need to be truly happy, all I want is uniform good density across the top.. I hope the front isn't thinner than the rest :S



You seem to be at the same level as me as far as taking finasteride, I'm into month 6 and I seem to get a yoyo affect on my hair. I was happy with my hair a month ago but recently my hairline seems to have got a little worse. I hope it's just the old hairs falling and that new ones will grow back. I will stick it out though because my girlfriend has noticed a big difference since we have been together. An I really did have a tin spot at the top of my head which she says has improved quite a bit.

Do you notice any tingling around the hairline? Almost as if you can feel individual hairs moving. Maybe it's new hairs popping through. Who knows? Any feedback would be great.


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Yeah I am in the same boat about 2 weeks in month 5. I guess its just a matter of waiting. I try not to think about it too much, I think at about January or Feb is when I will really examine it. I still am shedding hairs that are fairly thick from the top where there has been little if any male pattern baldness. I believe I am seeing some tiny hairs at my hairline though. I think what keeps me going is every now and again I look at Diddy's and Act10packt's pictures, especially Act10packt, his hair is still improving at month 17.


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I don't feel that tingling at my hairline, but anywhere where male pattern baldness has affected my head, a good scalp massage relieves SO MUCH TENSION! It feels incredible to just massage the top of my head, especially the hairline, it's like scratching the biggest itch you didn't even know you had. Mmmmm...


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Deaner said:
I don't feel that tingling at my hairline, but anywhere where male pattern baldness has affected my head, a good scalp massage relieves SO MUCH TENSION! It feels incredible to just massage the top of my head, especially the hairline, it's like scratching the biggest itch you didn't even know you had. Mmmmm...

Your hairline is great, Deaner !
