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i just have one other question guys, my senior i started point guard for my high school and i got alot of acne on my back and on my face i tried like a few anti-biotics butnothing really worked so i took accutane for around 5 months and my skin was perfect i had the side effects but my skin was great, i wouldnt reccomend anyone taking this drug tho side effects blew balls...

The point of this is to ask anyone if they know anything about it or if they have taken accutnae themselvles they say that large exposure to vitamin A will make you shed, could this be another reason why i am shedding so much?? and if so how long does this sh*t take to stop cuz its been a while, ik think itmight be a combination of male pattern baldness and maybe something to do with the accutane cuz i guess it takes aw hile to get out of your system

Any replies would help thanks again


Senior Member
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Accutane is a strange drug. No one can accurately predict what it will do to your hair.

I took accutane after I started balding and it didn't make it any worse.


Experienced Member
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If i remember correctly, i do believe that hair loss was a side effect of accutane, i had a lot of friends on this drug (who subsequently had very severe bouts of depression from it), i just remember coming across that particular fact. I suppose it is possible that it is causing some type of shedding, but there is really no way to predict that. Get on the hair loss treatments, like you're doing, and hope for the best. But also remember, you may be getting some shedding due to the new treatments you are beginning... you gotta ride them out man, it means the stuff is working!