Adding Revivogen to Propecia Regiment Excessive?


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It's been 10-11 months since I have started taking Propecia. I have pictures at month 6 and 10 and from that time it seems as though my hair has maintained or maybe receded just a tiny tiny bit. I was wondering though if I'm not satisfied at month 12 with just a Propecia/Nizoral reigmen if I should add Revivogen? Will that possibly help maintain more effectively and give the possible chance of regrowth or is it too excessive and should I wait on Propecia up to month 18? Secondly, if I do add something should i only add one thing at a time? So if I add Revivogen, is it okay if I add Tricomin as well or should I try Revivogen for 12 months see how I respond and then add something after that if i'm not satisfied?


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just curious, but when looking at the photos, you only maintained the amount of hair, not grown any back?


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I would add topical spironolactone and a copper peptide. To me, revivogen is too expensive and too difficult to use for a product that might not even work.


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Yah just maintained the hair from month 6 to month 10... but I would assume that's a good thing right? Then again I'm not sure how much I've lost or gained from the 1st month of Propecia... wish I saved some pictures.

to JesusFreak: No on the Minoxidil? Copper-peptides and spironolactone for now and if those don't work then minoxidil? Or try spironolactone first then if that doesn't add copper-peptides, and if that doesn't work add minoxidil? Is spironolactone a b**ch to apply daily?


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You could add minoxidil's very cheap and is still the most effective hair loss agent on the market. But, I would suggest only using it 1x/day and only on the troubled areas.

2% spironolactone is also dirt cheap and very easy to apply. Use it modestly at 1X/day.

I would not skip the copper peptide for the many reasons that have been discussed here before, mainly its ability to prevent cellular inflammation, which is a key culprit in male pattern baldness.

And, dont forget the cheap Nizoral Shampoo 3X/week. This is a must also, because of the role scalp fungus and inflammation plays in male pattern baldness.

You can add everything here for nearly the price you would pay for revivogen.