Admin, Could A Poster Get A Temporary Private Thread?

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Admin, here's the deal. I'm a balding guy. I'm ugly. I planned a career in the entertainment industry based on
the idea of me being one of the top lyricists ever. Being as I'm an upset bald guy I don't really have anyone around me in my life. I have no one to ask for advice or constructive criticism. This is because I'm bald disfigured. When I had my hair I could not get people out of my life - they were all over me. And I could ask them things about my writing.

I had given up on my writing and figured it just wouldn't surface. But two things have happened:

1. EXPENSIVE Telomerase treatments for the aging process (which might include curing hair loss) have started surfacing. It's very expensive and I don't want to spend every last cent I have on it. If I had more money I could give it a go without wiping out my savings.

2. I have concluded that if I'm really one of the all-time greats at any art-form, including lyrics, I have a responsibility to try to make them surface. If I'm that good then my writing is bigger than me and art that good should be released to the people.

I need a few people I can ask constructive criticism from or ask them their ideas about some possible changes to a song. I don't want to submit the songs until I run them by a few people and get some input from them. I would like to be able to ask a few of the posters here for some feedback without the entire site seeing my writing. You should be able to understand that if I put my writing where everyone here can see it that could put me at risk of various bad things happening to me.

I can't sent it by email because then I won't have control over it. Plus, if I sent it by email it may not get to the recipient in the correct form. Lines could get moved a little bit so meaning could be lost or the rhyme could be lost.

Can I please have a temporary private thread that I can allow only a few people to get into?

And the idea of making the thread private for just a few people is not intended as an insult of any kind to other people. The thing is that only certain kinds of people would be able to give me the advice/criticism I'm seeking. I would only need the temporary thread for a few days and then it could be deleted for all I care.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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I planned a career in the entertainment industry based on
the idea of me being one of the top lyricists ever.

argghh why are you doing this to me nameless, i don't have anymore room in my sig


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argghh why are you doing this to me nameless, i don't have anymore room in my sig

I don't understand. How does my request affect your "sig"?

I just want some advice and I'm an ugly bald guy with nobody in my life to ask things of.
But I need a private thread so I can protect my artwork and my anonymity here.
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