advice: get hair transplant or not?


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hi guys just wondering if ic ould plz get some advice. i am trying to decide whether to get a hair transplant or not and am really undecided. i have tentatively booked a date with dr rahal in ottawa. i have lost quite a bit of hair for my age, im 28 and maybe Norwood 5, not really sure what i am on the norwood scale but i am thinning all over.

although i would definitely look better with hair, i have been buzzing my head down to a #1 and my friends tell me the shaved head look suits me. plus ive never had surgery before and am kind of worried about how painful it will be and how painful i would feel after too. the original recommendation was for 4500 grafts, and a fut. lastly, i know this shouldn't be an issue, but i just wonder how people will react when they find out i had a hair transplant. especially co workers and friends, they will think im vain and all and i may lose confidence with them poking fun at me for having it done.

on the other hand, the hair loss does bother me. it would be great to never have to worry about it again and thankfully i can afford a hair transplant.

just wanted to get any suggestions or thoughts. thanks a lot guys!


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If you can afford the transplant then why not. So many people get plastic surgery done; what's the difference. Just make sure to really take care of the incessions so they don't produce noticeable scars. That was always my concern that if a girl was running her hand against the back of my head she would feel the scars. I dont know if that is true or not as I haven't had hair transplant surgery. Wish you best of luck though.


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Sounds like you both need to do some serious reseach.

El Nino

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Getting a hair transplant is a big decision and only you can decide if it's right for you.

Dr. Rahal's FUT scars are considered to be among the best. I have had 5400 grafts extracted via strip with him and I can buzz down to a grade 3. I might be able to get away with a grade 2 when my scar has fully healed.

And remember, starting with strip is the best way to get the most out of your donor supply. I have at least another 5000 grafts available via strip alone. Then I could start with FUE if needed.

Good luck with whatever you decide.