Advice needed : spironolactone 2% or Xandrox


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I#m currently using Dr.Lee's minoxidil at am and somestime his ppg free version/ or the orignal Rogaine for the evenings. I used the Rogaine 2 x for 5 months but my scalp went to hell and I stopped completeley because I couldn't keep up with the flakes.

So will 2% spironolactone and the evening rogaine be the same ?

Should i switch to 2x Dr.Lee's minoxidil comnined with his 2 %spironolactone for full saclp( I use the cream for the temples and hairline)

Or forget about spironolactone und jump on xandrox ?

I would like to use fluridil but 2 x minoxidil + fluridil would destroy my scalp i think !

I also use nizoral 1% every second day.
Thx for the advice...


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If you consider fluridil I would go with eucapil, which contains grapeseed oil which should control any irritation that may be associated with the high alcohol content being used. Personally, I think spironolactone is a waste of time especially when fluridil is obtainable.
You can find eucapil at
If your gonna use xandrox you might as well use Revivogen, which also contains azelaic acid plus other ingredients like ALA and GLA acids, which will help to inhibit DHT. Also use your minoxidil!