Advice needed!


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Hi guys,

I have been lurking on this page for a couple days now looking/reading at all the great posts and info. I think I need some advice for my situation.

I lost a large amount of hair about 10 years ago (im 28 now) in a short period of time. About a year later I found an herbal remedy to my problem. It included a tar shampoo, conditioner and peel. Although this process has worked well for me, it is far too expensive and time consuming. (1 hour every day under a heat cap and massaging).

I have slowed my treatments to about 3 times a week. I have now found that my scalp gets excessively oily fairly quickly. After my tar shampoo in the morning, my scalp is slick by noon. I have also been able to pinch out a clumps of hair from the areas that I am thinning (mainly the top of my head).

The reason for my post is simple. I have been out of the hair treatment loop for a while. I cant continue to go my old route because I just dont have the time anymore.

I am thinking about Propecia, as well as the other things that have been posted on the page. Can anyone give me some advice based on what my symptoms are? Any and all help is soooo aprreciated!! Thanks guys, look forward to hearing from you...


Well I can tell you what happened to me and then make up your own mind.

First week on finasteride.
I noticed nothing at all.

Second week on finasteride
I noticed that my penis felt less sensative but could still get errect. Ejaculations powerfull

Third week on finasteride
Same symptoms. Ejaculations less powerfull & less fluid

Fourth week on finasteride
Sensativity has retuturned. Ejaculations less powerfull & less fluid

Fith week on finasteride
Sensativity has retuturned. returning to normal but less fluid when ejaculating.