Advice on FUE for total newbie in New Jersey


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I am 35, and I think between a norwood IIV and IIIV, although there is no bald spot in the back, it is thinning out in one area. I tried rogaine, it burned. I tried propecia/avodart and it caused very bad side effects. Now I'm considering a FUE transplant and was looking for real advice and would greatly appreciate any of it.

1) How long would it be b4 I could return to work without it being evident? I am in a job where I have to make presentations and I can't take off extended time - what is the general downtime? Is it a week? several weeks? a month?

2) How much does this procedure generally cost, considering my classification?

3) any doctors recommendation in the area? (please be honest, as per the admin posting guidelines, i don't want a commercial, just actual positive experiences)

4) will I need to do anything else to supplement the procedure?

Thank you very much in advance!!!!


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the only problem with FUE is the limiited amount of hair that can be transplanted.

FUSS is much more effective..

down time? not long for either procedure really...

with FUE they shave your donor area.. so if your alright with that going back to work then you could go back in a few days.

you'll get scabs on your head for a few weeks.. again, if your alright with that.. i dont think theres a medical reason why you cant go back to work fairly immediatly.

to answer a couple of your questoins...

good Doctor is going to charge you at least $9 per graph for FUE..

there are many good docs.. look them up on


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thanks for the advice! one follow up - when I say can I return to work, I mean will it be evident or noticable when I return. I appreciate you taking the time to advise me.


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If you give it about 1-2 weeks, all the scabbing should be over with.

Of course, during the FUE procedure, they actually shave--with a razor-- the area of graft insertion. Thus, you'll look bald at work, for a while, or at least have really short hair.

It probably won't be noticeable that you have an implant-- just a weird haircut.


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Had My Free Consultation Today & Doctor recommended non-Fue

I went for my free consultation today and the doctor was very nice and highly recommended. He suggested that the FUE would not be as good as the other procedure in terms of density. I was classified as a Norwood 3 late stage and the procedure would bring me to a norwood 3 early stage. Since I can't use propecia or avodart, I probably will need some maintance later. It seemed like they routinely proscribe the stuff, and I probably should post my bad experience with those drugs in that forum. the price quotes was over $8,000 which is quite a bit of money and when I heard the price I think more of my hair fell out! It seems like a lot especially to go from a 3 to an earlier 3 with the FUSS method. I need approx 1400 grafts. Anyone have any recommendations about quality, inexpensive docs - with the emphasis on the 1st part. Is this price quoted fair or high?


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If you are in NY go check out Dr feller, he's pretty much the top Dr on the East coast.
He does FUE & Strip & can give you the best advice.

$8000 for 1400 grafts sounds a lot. Who did you see ?

Also, I can't see how the density could be different for the two methods. The only difference between FUE & strip is how the grafts are taken out.


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whiskey said:
Also, I can't see how the density could be different for the two methods. The only difference between FUE & strip is how the grafts are taken out.

because over time from FUE your donor hair will look like it's diffuse thinning..

with a FUSS they're able to get MANY more hairs and sew it up tight as a line on the palm of your hand.


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Who did you see for the free consult? Did he/she come highly recommended.


Where would you find Dr. Feller? and why do you recommend him/her. What makes Dr. Feller better then all the rest?



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The Doctor I Saw - Not and Advertisement

The doctor I saw was very well noted Dr. Berstein in Fort Lee. He seems to be very well respected and accomplished, but as a result the $$$ he commands is top and I just can't afford to budget that much. I welcome other advice and suggestions.


Mic - Dr Feller is in Great Neck.

and if your local it would be well worth seeing him for a consult - he helped me reach my goal!
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tread carefully

Mate I`d be suggesting that, given you`re not using any treatments to slow or stop the rate of hair loss, a transplant is probably not going to suit you going into the future.

I think you need to address the treatment side before embarking on any surgical option.

Just be carefull in these sites - be aware there are a lot of transplant advocates.

Cheers mate - in the meantime keep an eye on the hair multiplication technology, incytex etc... :)



Read this forum's policy regarding commercial posting. Recruiting patients from any forum for the doctor you represent is UNETHICAL. Especially putting a commercial link in your post! Some of your other posts are very borderline and questionable but this one is blatently obvious as to your commercial intentions, and especially going after someone who states he is a "newbie" to this forum.

Now Dr. Robert True is also a very well respected and talented hair transplant surgeon in NYC and one of my advocate sponsors, but you do not see me recruiting or STEERING the patient in this thread to him nor will you ever see me do this type of activity in any forum.

In actuality all three of these docs, Bernstein, True, and Feller are reputable talented hair transplant surgeons in NYC but you DON"T SEE Dr. Bernstein or Dr. True making covert efforts in recruitung patients in the internet forums. :freaked:


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jeffsss said:
whiskey said:
Also, I can't see how the density could be different for the two methods. The only difference between FUE & strip is how the grafts are taken out.

because over time from FUE your donor hair will look like it's diffuse thinning..

with a FUSS they're able to get MANY more hairs and sew it up tight as a line on the palm of your hand.

As tight as a line on your hand eh ? Is that why a large amount of patients are now having FUE planted into their strip scars to try and disguise it ?

Anyway, We're talking recipient site not donor site. FUE grafts can be planted to exactly the same density as strip grafts.

The maximum # of grafts could be achieved by getting as many grafts as possible via strip & then FUE ing the surrounding area afterwards.


There continues to be an extreme lack of clinical tracking and publishing of FUE yields. I wonder why?! :freaked:


The guy asked:
Where would you find Dr. Feller?

So I gave him the link.

You're entiled to you opinion.
I'll edit the post and remove the link but for the record my intensions are honourable. It makes no difference to me if people go to Feller or not.
Read my disclaimer.


IF you do not care if anyone goes to Dr. Feller or not, then why go after a newbie the way you did? Why not let someone else provide the info? It's just so obvious when one of Dr. Feller's own people makes a run at a new patient. Do you really think we are all that ignorant to what you are doing? :roll:

And it's not a matter of opnion either, it is however a matter of GOOD ETHICS :!:


The way I went after him??

All I suggested was that if he was local that he should consider seeing him for a consultation.

Next time someone asks a question about Feller i'll be sure to let someone else answer it. :)



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This website is for the exchange of information. I have been on this website for 4+ years using it as a resource. I posted several times that I was looking for a good surgeon who could provide me with an answer to my needs. I am constantly seing the HTP for the NW5 but not the HTP for the Norwood 2 or 3, (receding front hairline). No one was responding other then a former patient who had recieved a HTP and was extremely unhappy, (my heart goes out to him).

I was beginning to give up when Spex responded. I think this website should post its opinion on what the best HTP surgeons and drugs etc..... are to address hairloss. I think the information is provided and you need to continue to do your research. I kept seing nothing but Armani who is out in TX I believe and quite honestly that does not fit my needs.

I want to thank Spex for 1) posting his website and lifting my hopes that there is hope other then Armani and 2) providing good introductory level information. I came back and asked qualifying questions and he answered them.

Yes, I am also thankful to you gillenator for providing additional docs on the east coast, True and Burnestein. I will be looking in and comparing notes on them as well.

My point being is this is what this website is about, exchanging experiences and points of view on a common issue.

Thx to the both of you


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Dr. Feller achieves good density and is great at dense packing. True and dorin, not so much but they are consistent in their comservative approach. Bernstein is also very conservative. Take time and pick a Doctor that is going to make you the happiest. If you just want to be conservative, great, but if you want to go at your loss more aggressively then you need a more aggressive Doctor. Rahal is top in my opinion as well as feriduni.

Try not to limit yourself on traveling. This is YOUR life and YOU need to be happy with YOURSELF. Make that happen with a Doctor that stands out in terms of how effective their methods are.

If you stay on the east coast, Dr. Feller is GREAT and his fut pricing is more than reasonable. If you want fue, he is the priciest, but also basically pioneered fue.



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Dr Feller did not pioneer FUE. I guess everybody's going to start claiming they pioneered it now... :shakehead:

"Conservative" means they take less risks with your looks. "Aggressive" means they're more willing to gamble with your looks.