Advice on hair transplant


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I am considering a hair transplant with Dr Rogers in the UK for a 2000 graft hair transplant to restore my frontal hairline.

I normally wear my hair short back and sides with a number 4 clipper around the sides and back. Would my scar be detectable if i continued to do this after the procedure or would FUE be the better procedure for me.

I have been told by Dr Rogers that for better density results FUT is the btter option where FUE is better to thicken diffused areas.

Any advice or experience stories would be appreciated.


Established Member
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Don't get a hair transplant in the UK, doubley so if it's a hairline/frontal transplant where the work will be on display 100% of the time.

your good choices include [but are not limited to]

ron shapiro
Hasson & Wong

and a few more i can't remember off the top of my head


Senior Member
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Dr. Rogers does amongst the best hairline work in the world, period.

You'll read lots of posts from people who claim it's not possible to get a good hair transplant in the UK, but it's just silly trash-talk. Most of it is just people repeating crap originating from a few shills.

According to the representative from one well known American surgeon, the work Dr. Rogers did on my hairline was impossible to do without shaving my head; happily he proved them wrong. Dr Rogers uses his "slanticle" procedure to ensure a near perfect hairline with frontal density cosmetically approaching what I had in my teens.

Sure, there are bad surgeons here, but the same can be said of any country in the world.