advice on what to use


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Hello everyone, first time here, just found out about this place.

I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction on what i should try to fix my little problem.My hair is not falling off but i have a receded hairline for some years now because of use of chemicals in my hair, but i never did anything to combat that and instead i just started shaving my head and have being doing that so far.My hair basically looks the same all these years with the receded hairline, that is why i assume that i am not losing any hair, that i lost some but it stopped falling off.

My question is, what should i do to try to regrow, if possible, my hairline, so i can stop shaving my head (somethig i am really tired of doing).I was thinking about rogaine but i read on the box that it is not for the front of the head.If rogaine is a possibility, should i use 2% or 5%?I used folligen for 4 months, but that did nothing for me.

anyway, i appreciate any help, that would be really great to see some regrowth on my hairline.




Senior Member
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Let me be the first to say, Hi.

Now about Rogaine, it often works on the front, though to varying degrees from person to person, but I think that as the manufacturer didn't test its efficacy for this area they are unable to state on the packaging that it does.

How much recession are you talking about, and what is your existing hairline like in terms of density?
