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Guys, I need some advice

First of all, I’m 23, almost 24 years old and I’d say I’m about at a Norwood 2. My hairline has been receding since I was 18 I’d say. The only reason I say that is because my friend once said he thought I had a widow’s peak. At the time I didn’t think anything of it because my hair appeared the same as it always had. I think my receding hairline has definitely accelerated in the past year. It was last fall that I first noticed my situation and really started considering it for the first time. Now I’m so self conscious that I look at my own hair in the mirror every time I walk by one and I seem to be obsessed with looking at other guys’ hair to compare to my own.

I know at a Norwood 2, I’m not really that bad off, yet. My hair doesn’t seem to be thinning in general, just the hairline. But it does SEEM like my hairs on my hairline are thinner than everywhere else, which would indicate male pattern baldness. I really want to do something about this, whatever I can, because if there’s one thing I hate, its regret about hesitating to do something I should have and paying the price later.

Upon conducting my initial research, propecia seemed like a no-lose situation. Side effects were barely higher than with placebo, and stopped soon after quitting it. All seemed to be sexual anyway, and unfortunately I haven’t been having sex much recently.

But I come here and I see all this terrible stuff about shedding, weight gain, breasts, really terrible sexual side effects and such. Are the side effects of propecia severely underplayed by the clinical trials, or do we only hear about the really bad cases?

I guess what I want to know mostly is….does this shedding that occurs, is that likely to occur with a mild Norwood 2 case where my hair isn’t really falling out, but I just have this gradual hairline recession? I think I could live with having the hair I have now, but I don’t want to lose anymore. So, if I’m not shedding hardly any right now, is it likely or not to cause any shedding??

It seems many of you have done a significant amount of research and many of you have much first hand experience. I’d trust you guys more than my doctor, despite having never met any of you :) . Any advice, suggestions, or encouragement would be greatly appreciated.



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It's been said many times on here I've noticed. Here it is:

you have better than a 4 in 5 chance of keeping what you have- halting hair loss- and a 3 in 5 chance of growing some back with propecia at the end of 12 months. Shedding happens a lot if you take these boards as an accurate cross section of all propecia users. But you have to keep in mind that besides a dozen or so regulars, a lot of these posts are by newbies freaking out because something isn't working (usually before its even supposed to) or anybody losing any extra hair and blaming it on medication. Even when shedding does occur, its almost always followed by a period of growth that at least restores the hair lost in the shed.

But shedding doesn't happen as much as this forum would suggest. Most people looking to maintain just pop the pill... maybe post a few questions on here and stop when it starts working. Remember it works for 4 out of 5.

But not everyone. People who are frustrated with their hair treatments are more likely to come on every day and freak out looking for answers. I don't know about the frequency of side effects... i do know that they stop if you stop taking propecia. The only scary one is b**ch tits- got to catch that early.

So just do it. And buy nizoral too. You can keep buying other sh*t too if you like but you don't need it probably. Ride out the sheds if they happen. Good luck.