Advise : Hair Transplants Do's And Don'ts


New Member
My Regimen
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Hello All,

New to the forum and hair transplant world , i have started doing some research about technique and doctors
and will be going to schedule the procedure later this year or early next year.
in the planing for the procedure I wanted to know form experienced people that if there are some rules we should follow. I am sure the doctors would advise me for same but I wanted to know if there are certain dos' and don't before and after the procedure for certain amount of time one should follow ....
for example :

  • Smoking/alcohol consumption before or after the procedure
  • Going out in the sun after the procedure ?
  • Average amount of time taken for healing ?
  • Itching after the procedure ?
  • Diet
  • any other recommendation in general one should follow.
I could not find any sticky thread where I can find the above information , if there are , please let me know.. Thank you.


My Regimen
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Your head will not look good for about a year rv\even if a good job is done, that's pretty much the extent of it.

Shock loss and poor technique (bad result) is about the worst things you have to worry about.