African-American hair transplants....

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Okay so I haven't been feeling too well today and just replied to a bunch of posts cuz I guess it's cathartic for me in a sense, anyway; plus I can really sympathize with anyone who takes this crap as hard as I do, although I still am blessed in many ways, I can concede to that.....

I barely see any black people with hair transplants on the various hair transplant Doctor websites and the ones that I do see for the most part suck ALOT....with sparse hairs along the hairline and no crown work at all....Our density must really be terrible....

I mean if I went anywhere with that sparse of a hairline, it would be like "what's the point"....I would wind up cutting into my hairline like I always do to remove the sparse hairs that really aren't cosmetically viable at all....

Whereas, I have seen some really great hair transplants with Caucasian males, ostensibly life-changing results....

If and when I get a transplant, I gotta go to someone who specializes in African-Americans lol....but I know that person doesn't exist, because from my experience, most black folk say f*** it and shave the sh*t off, which I simply can't do, thus I surmise they don't get to practice on us a whole lot......One of the reasons I did a consult with Dr. Feller is because 1 of the 3(I think) black guys that he had on his site had a pretty nice result (the shaved down guy)...but he was probably the only surgeon I had seen with this type of result on a black man....I also found one result on one of his patients where the guy was a black dude with the hairline made to be straight across, which actually looked okay too.....but it was on another website......

And how can anyone afford a hair transplant....these people must have really lucrative professions....I mean I have a decent job, I have my Master's degree(won't divulge in what).....but damn, times are hard, going through a recession :woot: ....gotta pay bills, do these places have payment plans or something?

Sorry for my rant, but I am really serious....these are serious questions.....Please answer these questions or provide insight if you happen to peruse this thread......


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Yeah I've got to admit African American patients are really rare, But I always thought that because of the thick curly nature of their hair they were supposed to be good candidates? :dunno:

Sorry I cant help you with any recommendations examples.
But as for the cost for what its worth most guys will just save their asses off because the want the procedure so badly. Its not really any different from any other cosmetic procedure, if you want it bad enough you'll find the cash.
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Thanks for replying s.a.f.....A hair transplant doctor told me that I have could hair characteristics, meaning it's curly, which makes it look thick even when it's not.....and that we tend to have could color contrast? The only other good thing could be pale skin and light colored hair I think was what he said, I don't know, kind've "nice" right now.......

Then i think I read that although the hair is thick and curly, we tend to have lower density? I dunno.....I'm probably just frustrated right now....



Established Member
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Dr. Sanusi Umar is an African-American hair transplant surgeon. I think he knows a lot about this.


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It's a trade-off. Black hairloss sufferers might have to pay more for surgeries, but they get to shave their head and still look good.