After 15 days on Proscar...


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I can say that I have yet to experience any of the feared side effects.

Just thought I'd throw that out there to anyone who is afraid of what finasteride might do to them.

This isn't to say that I am out of the woods yet, but most people I've read about experienced sides within the first month of treatment.

I haven't noticed any decrease in libido and was able to have an erection and "perform" 4 times in a ~30 hr period this weekend with my gal.


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I've been on finasteride for two weeks now too. No side effects thus far although i think i've gotten a tiny bit more watery semen.
My libido is still as strong as ever.

I'm constantly pinching my tits though. I think I'm still a little paranoid about the gyno-thing, but so far my titties are as hard as ever :).
I've been lurking around this forum for about a year since i started noticing my hair thinning but haven't taken the step until now.

I stopped worrying about it for a while but now i noticed that its getting worse again so i took the step. I thought i might be imagining for a while since i'm only 20 years old but I know that i didn't use to shed tens of hairs when showering or running my hands through my hair. So i'm through with the denial phase and entering treatment phase. :)

If my grammar and wording of the text above looks like something a drunken monkey could have done better that is because i'm tired and english isn't my native language. :p


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krubban said:
If my grammar and wording of the text above looks like something a drunken monkey could have done better that is because i'm tired and english isn't my native language. :p



Experienced Member
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krubban said:
I've been on finasteride for two weeks now too. No side effects thus far although i think i've gotten a tiny bit more watery semen.
My libido is still as strong as ever.

I'm constantly pinching my tits though. I think I'm still a little paranoid about the gyno-thing, but so far my titties are as hard as ever :).
I've been lurking around this forum for about a year since i started noticing my hair thinning but haven't taken the step until now.

I stopped worrying about it for a while but now i noticed that its getting worse again so i took the step. I thought i might be imagining for a while since i'm only 20 years old but I know that i didn't use to shed tens of hairs when showering or running my hands through my hair. So i'm through with the denial phase and entering treatment phase. :)

If my grammar and wording of the text above looks like something a drunken monkey could have done better that is beca
use i'm tired and english isn't my native language. :p

lol, im on my 10th day of finasteride(proscar 1/5) and ive been doing that too. Im kinda hoping for a libido reduction coz at this rate im slaming the sausage 4 times a day....