After 2 years on Rogaine???


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I could be wrong but did tests show that after 2 years on rogaine, did users start slowly going back to baseline? If so or if not, why do users eventually go back to baseline. I read something about tolerance before but if DHT is fully taken out of someones body, would rogaine eventually take user back to baseline or continue to grow and maintain infinitely? Thanks in advance!!!


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dablackman said:
I could be wrong but did tests show that after 2 years on rogaine, did users start slowly going back to baseline? If so or if not, why do users eventually go back to baseline. I read something about tolerance before but if DHT is fully taken out of someones body, would rogaine eventually take user back to baseline or continue to grow and maintain infinitely? Thanks in advance!!!

I read that the effects of the drugs start to wear off over time. So for most people, the drugs buys your hair time before male pattern baldness really starts to take over. I've seen people here who have used Rogaine with success for more than 7 years. So I'm not sure how reliable that study/test you read was. And also, how old were the patients? Because when folks reach their 40s and whatnot, the drugs dont have as much power I read. And the drugs arent really permanent solutions. But its the closest thing we have until some of cure becomes mainstream.


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This was asked here before not long ago, and everyone said this isn't true.


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dablackman said:
I read something about tolerance before but if DHT is fully taken out of someones body, would rogaine eventually take user back to baseline or continue to grow and maintain infinitely?

First of all, IF i got what you mean, rogaine does not remove DHT from your body. There is a general thought that rogaine does not help you maintain hair anyway its just a regrowth factor. I am not sure if this is true, but the general logic is that you need to inhibit DHT to save your hair and rogaine cannot do that. Hair loss drugs do not lose their effectiveness, and there is no tolerance factor. It is just that hair loss becomes more and more aggressive so even a small amount of DHT could do the job.


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okay, i think i don't have anything to worry about in a while :D . Thanks guys


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for someone that's taking dutasteride .5mg daily for lets say five years, then the hair starts to all-of-a-sudden thins out. I bet you can reverse or maintain your hair if you were to just up the dosage, depending on how the process strengthens? anyone agree?