after my first hair transplant


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I hope I can get some answers guys. It has been 6 days since my first hair transplant ever.
before I tell you some more details, i haven't been feeling extremely well, but that is of course - i assume - expected.
I had in the beginning some headaches and so, and until now i get a little bit of that, a bit of local pain (bothersome) and lots of itching and feelings that make me want to rub my head but i can't of course.

Another question, when you did your hair transplant, did the Doctor himself extract, how involved was he in this process, how involved was he in the grafting stage..? just 4 curiosity.

Finally, when will i be able to give me head a good long rub without destorying these grafts ?



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At 6 days in luckily by now the grafts have got over their most fragile stage, although you should still be quite careful (ie no scratching them ect) but now it should be ok to wash the scalp gently.
Its strange that you're still feeling unwell, it quite common to feel queasy 24hrs after the op just because of the shock trauma factor.
Pain should be subsiding by now but odd tingling sensations are normal as things start to repair themselves.

I dont know if you had strip so I cant comment as yet as to how involved the surgeon should have been.


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thanks s.a.f.
no I had FUE and a small procedure (800) on the crown.
so how involved are doctors in FUE ?

this morning i am not feeling that bad (except tingling, itching, ect...)
but sometime the mild pain comes back at night... hopefully not today.

i am taking vitamin C to speed up the healing process. i would like to resume running which i think is good for blood flow and overall health, but not sure if it is too early.


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I've never had FUE but I know it requires more interaction from the surgeon than strip and compared to strip its supposed to be much less painful. But as far as excercising goes I'd give things at least another week.


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actually now that i carefully looked at the donor are (FUE) in the mirror i find that while one area healed well, and signs of FUE are not very visible,
both areas on the sides are VERY visible, as if it was done yesterday. I cann see exactly where each hair was taken from and there is a small bump on each one. and that is the area that is irritating me (given midld pain...)

anything that could speed the recovery ?


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Not really. There's no silver bullet for healing, some people heal faster and better than others.