Age 24, had hair transplant at the age of 22, NEED URGENT ADVICE


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Hi all,

So by the age of 22 I had already lost quite a bit of hair on the front part of my head, heading towards a Norwood4V. After losing my mind, and getting worried about it I decided to visit an advisor from DHI hair transplant clinic. He was very positive that DHI can help me, and that I will have very good results because "im young and healthy". Being at a weak point position, I got convinced and on August 2008 I had an hair transplant with DHI with the DIRECT HAIR IMPLANTATION TECHNIQUE:
They mainly implanted hair on the outer part of the receding hair and very few on the inner part.

I am really disappointed with the results since the implanted hair:
1) Are not dense at all, you can see right through them
2) They feel harder and dryer and therefore are very difficult to style
3) They grow faster than the rest.
I have curly hair, and the DHI guys said that makes a difference. Does it?

To make things worse the hair in the front part of my head(not the implanted ones), during this 1.5year became much less dense. Again after losing my self confidence and feeling like a piece of sh*t, I though that shaving my hair really short can be a solution once and for all. Unfortunately, again, for my bad surprise, you can obviously distinguish the implanted hair since they are much thicker, when they hair are short. In addition, in the back of my head, I might not have scars, but when the hair are short, you can see "white holes", from the hair that were taken off.

I was thinking that a second hair transplant can be a solution? Are there any hair transplants that can result in actual natural hair?


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Do not lose your courage. I was quite more fucked up when i was your age. if you have the money, you can surely do a second surgery and fix things up in a well known doctor in the Usa. About that scars in the back, they will always be obvious if you cut your hair short enough. We know that before making the procedure, it is something we have to accept. However the most important is to keep treatment (minoxidil) daily, otherwise you will lose more ground. From your situation, I think just one hair transplant (about 2000-2500 grafts) would be best. If you have the money proceed to that and you will see that in a few months, all your frustration will be a past. So, do not lose time and see a well known Doctor in the states preferably.

Look my case: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=56926

I had a procedure just 2 months ago and my whole life has changed. I was about NW2.5-NW3, however you can have similar results to mine, if you keep minoxidil and do the procedure in a well-known Doctor. DO NOT LOSE YOUR YOUTH YEARS because of hair loss!


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well I had side effects on finasteride and would not recommend it! With minoxidil only, I have been stable for 7 years


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Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for your posts, you really seem to know what you are talking about. Dudemon do you think that Im definitely heading for NW7 even if I take the medications? Also are there hair transplant surgeries that implanted hair look, feel and have the same shape and most importantly density as the natural hair?

I believe that the best option for the moment is to wait some more time. I've grown my hair a bit, so now I can sort of hide the front part. I'll wait until things get worse and then think again, but removing the implants and shaving my head may be the way that will give me peace of mind.

I am still a bit afraid of using Propecia, even if you dont have side effects now maybe you will in the long run. Also I was reading that the Swedish government raised some restrictions on them. Do you think that minoxidil and Nizoral are not sufficient to stop my hairloss?

Again thanks a lot.


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gottagetthroughthis said:
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for your posts, you really seem to know what you are talking about.The guy on the picture is not me but my state of hair looks pretty similar to his but slightly denser. Dudemon do you think that Im definitely heading for NW7 even if I take the medications? Also are there hair transplant surgeries that implanted hair look, feel and have the same shape and most importantly density as the natural hair?

I believe that the best option for the moment is to wait some more time. I've grown my hair a bit, so now I can sort of hide the front part. I'll wait until things get worse and then think again, but removing the implants and shaving my head may be the way that will give me peace of mind.

I am still a bit afraid of using Propecia, even if you dont have side effects now maybe you will in the long run. Also I was reading that the Swedish government raised some restrictions on them. Do you think that minoxidil and Nizoral are not sufficient to stop my hairloss?

Again thanks a lot.

Strange the pic that you're 'claiming' is you is actually a 10 yr old pic of Feller representitive 'Spex' a former member of this site. I first saw this pic many years ago.

Heres the evidence !! :


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Hi all,

The person in the picture it is Spex and I am not denying. In fact if you read my previous post again, you'll see that in the first paragraph I mentioned "The guy on the picture is not me but my state of hair looks pretty similar to his but slightly denser.".

dudemon again thanks a ot for your help, I now understand my options much better. I'll get on finasteride in the next few days and wait a year to see how things progress. Depending how fast I'll be losing my hair I'll either take the hair transplant path or the bald path.

Two questions: 1)to buy Propecia I need to have a prescription from a Doctor right?
2)If i take the hair transplant + the medicines path, will I have to take those meds for a life?



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gottagetthroughthis said:
Hi all,

The person in the picture it is Spex and I am not denying. In fact if you read my previous post again, you'll see that in the first paragraph I mentioned "The guy on the picture is not me but my state of hair looks pretty similar to his but slightly denser.".

OK, sorry I missed that, but I did read Dudemons reply which said "Ok looking at your pic ....."
But anyway whats the point in posting a pic (without the person in its permission) and saying mines abit like that. Just post an actual pic you dont have to show your face and then we'd really have a real view of your situation.

Again I apologise but we've had some shills on this section recently so I thought that something dodgy was going on.