Aggressive Diffuse Hairloss And Transplant Options/timing


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I have been rapidly thinning for two years. Still a Norwood but density is gone and I loose 300-400 daily.

I have not responded to topical Finasteride after 7 months and get awful sides even on a low dose of the oral. Most likely the topical isn’t even penetrating or ideas get sides.

My hope is to somehow fix this before it becomes overly noticeable to the public. I’m often in front of a lot of people and a solid look is critical to my well being.

What options do I have? What can be done and went without risking shock loss?


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You can do an FUT where you don't have to cut your hair and the surgeon places maybe 1500 grafts randomly to increase density. it's not a guarantee though there is no shock loss, but the fewer grafts would lessen the chances.

PS it's hard to believe you lose 300 to 400 a day, in a week that is 3000 grafts and you would be bald in a month.

Here is the deal on finasteride, yes the sides can be awful, but unless it is gyno you can low dose for months and eventually your body accepts it. I don't even notice i take it and had bad sides to begin with. If you really want to save your hair then dump all the other stuff and go with the low dose.


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Do you think there’s any efficacy with the topical. So far I’ve tolerated .5 2-4 ml daily. But has made much of an impact. Two days on the oral and side hit fast, some nipple tenderness which makes me fear gyno if I stay in it.


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Before you started messing with the drugs, you should have had a complete blood test on hormones, DHT, and testosterone levels to have as your baseline. Then you could get one today and see what the topical is doing, as i can only guess that it's not much.

I doubt you can get nipple tenderness in only two days either, it takes time for the sides to really hit (in my case, two weeks). Some in here have micro-dosed with finasteride to start, and I would try that. One thing the topical may do is lessen the chances for sides though, perhaps (only a possibility).

Nobody has said this, but maybe try finasteride .5 once every three days to see what happens. It has a fast half-life so it may not stop hair loss but to get a body adjusted to it, that may work. I am still taking it and it took two years for my sides to go completely away, and i don't even think about it anymore. The people who stuck it out for 7 months and then quit gave up too early and were almost there.

BTW there was a study where they did finasteride and placebo and told the people that they were all receiving finasteride. Some of those getting the placebo claimed sides and lack of hardness. So there is a psychological chance you are imaging tenderness. The main reason for gyno is being overweight. You said you are in great shape, so the odds are way lower you get it for real.

One last thing, when i first started posting here there was a guy who claimed to be studying for pharmacist and tried everything except for finasteride. He didn't want to chance it, and lectured everyone about how it wasn't needed. This went on for some time as he tried it all, and he also used those posted studies to prove his claim about it. Well eventually he found out what we tried to tell him, that finasteride was what worked the best. So he eventually went and got a prescription, then stopped posting altogether.


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Thanks for the reply. I am not giving up but a physical impact was noticeable. I heard you on the gyno, I’ll dig for more information on what to look for and when to be concerned.


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Wow, for those on oral minoxidil, the possible side effects for that drug are scary. i was surprised to read some in here taking it as though it is a safe drug, but it reads like a horror story. Low blood pressure, rapid heart rates, damage to the heart.

Minoxidil tablets contain the powerful antihypertensive agent, minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil tablets) tablets) tablets) , which may produce serious adverse effects. It can cause pericardial effusion, occasionally progressing to tamponade, and angina pectoris may be exacerbated. Minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil tablets) tablets) tablets) should be reserved for hypertensive patients who do not respond adequately to maximum therapeutic doses of a diuretic and two other antihypertensive agents.

In experimental animals, minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil tablets) tablets) tablets) caused several kinds of myocardial lesions as well as other adverse cardiac effects (see Cardiac Lesions in Animals).

Minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil tablets) tablets) tablets) must be administered under close supervision, usually concomitantly with therapeutic doses of a beta-adrenergic blocking agent to prevent tachycardia and increased myocardial workload. It must also usually be given with a diuretic, frequently one acting in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle, to prevent serious fluid accumulation. Patients with malignant hypertension and those already receiving guanethidine (see WARNINGS) should be hospitalized when minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil (minoxidil tablets) tablets) tablets) is first administered so that they can be monitored to avoid too rapid, or large orthostatic, decreases in blood pressure.