Ah, F*** Nizoral


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After reading several posts about people with the same irritated scalp and straw-dry hair issues as me because of Nizoral, I have decided to drop it.
I think most people are afraid to drop it (I was) because of the vague claim that it provides similar results as 2% minoxidil. Well, until I see some proven results that it is similar, I'm going to assume its doing more harm than good. Anything that makes your scalp itchy and gives red spots cant be good for you.

Long live T/Gel.


It really is destroying my hair! it´s dry like a mofo :(


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It makes my hair and scalp feel great. Luv that stuff. I guess some people can't tolerate the active ingredient well.
Are you guys using a good conditioner after you use Nizoral?
I would imagine that would make a world of difference if your not.


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I been using Nizoral 2% shampoo for 2 months and been using 1% before you 6 months and I had no problems. If you have redness in my hair b/c of Nizoral than you should drop it. It could damage your skin and hair. I dont know if your taking minoxidil or propecia.


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I've been using tea tree oil conditioner with every shower. That stuff works great for me, it even claims to be "the natural remedy to dry, irritated scalp". Scalp feels soooo nice from it. Give it a try.


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I've been using tea tree oil conditioner with every shower. That stuff works great for me, it even claims to be "the natural remedy to dry, irritated scalp". Scalp feels soooo nice from it. Give it a try.


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what would be the best treatment for dry straw like hair? I mean it does that to my hair too but I cant drop it.


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Nizarol is a fanatstic product. Just use it in moderation (2 or 3 times a week and no more than 4/5 minutes), that way you will at least derive its benefits, which is thickening of hair and more importantly anti-inflammation and removal of dundruff.

The Gardener

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I, too, just plain love Nizoral. I can't get enough of it, but I do limit myself to 2-3 times a week application.\

I used to have kind of a greasy scalp. GONE. Nizoral cut through that sh*t, and keeps my scalp clean and dry. Actually, I never used to think that I had an overly greasy scalp until I started the nizoral. Now, I know what a clean scalp feels like and it is GREAT. Use the nizoral, then the topicals, and finish off with a nice coat of copper peptides, my scalp is in heaven. Flakes?... what are flakes? Irritation?... GONE!


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I have a question for the Nizoral users:
I can't get Nizoral shampoo here but only "Nizoral creme" (also Nizoral pills ???)
The ingredients are the following:
20,0 mg Ketoconazol
weitere Bestandteile: Octadecanol; Wasser, gereinigtes; Isopropyl myristat; Polysorbat 80; Sorbitan stearat; Dinatrium-sulfit; Cetylalkohol; Propylenglycol; Polysorbat 6.

Can anyone tell if the same is in the shampoo?

Thank you,
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Nizoral is f*****g awesome. I love the way it thickens my hair. Sure it dries it out but that's nothing a good conditioner can't fix. Plus it has an anti androgen in it. It don't get much better 'en that.

Now if it was leaving itchy red spots all over my head I'd probably think differently...


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Nizoral is the best thing around. Of course it makes one's hair dry, that's why we keep saying you gotta use a good conditioner afterwards.



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I used Nizoral for the first time in half a year last night and I have absolutely zero problems right now. I assumed it was drying my hair and scalp out way too much so I used a heavy moisturizing conditioner right after the nizoral and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Well it did the trick.

The conditioner was TIGI : Moisture maniac. The stuff is so thick it's basically like dumping lotion on your head.


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Hey stop the Nizoral bandwagen i want to jump on !!!

I saw results with just minoxidil and proscar, but when i added Nizoral i saw a drastic improvement in growth and scalp condition. I did not realise how alot of my hair loss was down to inflammation, and if this is you too then Nizoral is a great addition to your regime.

Bismarck... i checked the ingredients of Nizoral and did not find some of those chemicals you mentioned in it, hardly any in fact


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Ok, I'll pile on too.... I love nizoral as well...I even alternate the 1 and 2%. For people who experience drying from it, someone on this site recommended adding a few drops of emu oil into a palm of nizoral. This could also help the nizoral penetrate even more than just having a hydrated scalp.

I also used a combo of nizoral plus Nano, mixed then together, and my hair actually looked better than just either one by themselves. I wouldnt think(?) mixing the 2 would render either less effective, Dr P didnt think was a problem.

anything with Tea Tree rocks as well for anti-inflamatory help.....