AKclinics India


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Hey folks..
I finally decided to sign up to the forums and take part in the discussions.. and yet I've been following many threads on the forum for the past 3 months or so..

I wanted some opinion about this hair transplant clinic in Chandigarh, India. I was quoted on 2,000 grafts and their prices are almost unbeatable..

It's AKclinics. Has anyone experienced with them before? Any discussions on the board that you can refer to?

Prices are ludicrously expensive in the US and Europe in general, and since I haven't yet gotten to a level of desperation compelling me to pay some $20,000 for someone to transfer some of my OWN hair from one zone to another, I thought to venture into another continent, and India seems like a very good candidate! Why not? Good food, awesome civilization, and I heard very talented doctors. After all, all businesses in the US are shifting to INDIA! Yesterday I had an issue with my Chase Credit Card, and the customer support rep solved the problem from some outsourced office in Delhi :bravo:

I sent Dr. Poswal of Fusehair a detailed email supported with pictures, but still haven't heard back from him it's been 4 days now.. So I'm looking for Indian alternatives just in case.

Any input on this is quite appreciated.


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dudemon said:
As far as other Indian alternatives, the ONLY one that I know of who is reputable there, and considered one of the best in the world I suppose, is Poswal, or "Dr A" as he known in the hair transplant bizz.

Perhaps anyone else here can weigh in on this and give you another DR. But honestly, I'd stick with Poswal if I were you. With any others in India you might be taking a huge gamble, which isn't something you DON'T want to do when getting an hair transplant.

The results of an hair transplant ARE permanent! ... whether it comes out looking good, or whether it makes you look like a total buffoon.

Thanks for a much valuable input Dudemon..
Well.. Poswal is treating me with complete disregard.. Looks like he's consulting with a phat belly now, I don't know what kind of Hippocratic Oath these people swear to practice medicine ethically really.. because it's not the first time my messages are being totally ignored. I'm sorry if I'm looking a bit rude here, but it gives me the awful impression of someone consulting with bankers rather than doctors. I don't even know why some like to call them doctors. I've been begging for a price quotation for a week.. and still no reply.. whatever..

Anyway, Poswal of India charges a minimum of $4 for the first 2,000 FUE, plus some 10% in service TAX, the total of which could equate to the whole GDP of Chandigarh, also, if you factor in the cost of traveling, accommodation and the hardship of flying all the way to India for a hair transplant, you'll soon realize it's not even worth it.. I humbly asked for a discount, since he mentions on his website that someone my case should be qualified for one, and yet my messages were met with total indifference.

AKclinics are being very nice and professional so far.. and I was quoted $1.85 per graft for a 2,000 FUE. They have a before and after gallery, just like everybody else. But I'm not gonna venture until I hear somebody's opinion.. Would you mind take a look? I would love to hear the opinion of someone with over 1700 posts on the forums :)

Thanks for your help, really!


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Ben said:
You cant really take photos on a clinic's own website as hard evidence since they can easily be manipulated. Im not saying the photos are fake but even terrible clinics may produce some good results then the rest are terrible so only the good results are shown on the website.

I think you really cannot let price or location get in the way. A reputable well known doctor should be looked into such as the suggestions dudemon wrote.

Your not shopping for a new car at a discount, its work on your head and you dont want to be another repair patient when you could have got it right first time being going for quality over price.

Thanks for the much valuable advice Ben. I'm totally convinced with your words. IT IS my head after all..

Do you think I should try with Poswal again? He claims to have developed a "FUSE" technique which even blows FUE away.. He's also located in Delhi, which is much more convenient than Chandigarh.



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Terrible experience with Dr. A's Clinic

a horrible experience with Dr. Poswal and his clinic so far..
Very poor communication, total disregard of my very considerate and polite emails, one-liner replies that reflect the level of careless neglect and inattention I'm receiving from Dr. Poswal and his team.. :thumbdown2:

Three consecutive emails were sent to them in the course of the past 5 days in the form of gentle reminders, today I was shocked by the level of miscommunication and One-liner response..

I truly feel like I'm dealing with a bunch of brokers here.. I applied for the INDIAN Visa, took VISA pictures and paid application fees, I took a day off my work and had the most unpleasant experience at the INDIAN consulate general in Manhattan (check their online review to know what I'm talking about), and now this?!

Dr. A's Clinic did NOT hesitate for a second to add me to their SPAMMING list, and I keep receiving SPAM emails from them EVERY single day. How about answering my inquiries first? what a waste of time and money..

Actually? I just received another SPAM from them this morning! attached herewith.
You truly get what you pay for.. I thought CHEAP and got the CHEAP service I deserve. Lesson learned.


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